Staff Reading

What's the first book you remember reading? 

The Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton

What are you reading right now? 

Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson

What's on your TBR list? 

Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

Can you even be bothered to read anymore now you have a smart phone? Why? 

I read more to avoid screen time and wasting time on social media. 

Did you ever visit a city or place just because you read about it in a book you loved? 

I visited a range of places in London/UK with reference to the Harry Potter series.

Books versus e-books – got an opinion?

 I prefer reading on my kindle - more portable and more comfortable to hold. Plus I can keep 300 books on one devices compared to having a huge bookshelf!

Audiobooks – love ‘em or loath ‘em? 

Love them if the library has the book I want to read. Otherwise I hate waiting 4 months for a audiobook! 

Which book do you think is the most overrated?

 A Man Called Ove 

Novel by Fredrik Backman

Can you name a book that kept you up at night? 

The Housemaid By Freida McFadden



What's the first book you remember reading? 

The Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton.  But that wouldn’t have been the first – just the first that comes to mind.

Bookmark or page folder?

Anything that will do as a book mark – never fold a page!

What are you reading right now? 

The King’s speech (a bit behind the times, but it has been on my list).


What's on your TBR list? 

I don’t find the time to keep up with what’s coming out, I generally hear that it’s good from other’s, add it to my list and get to it when I can. So my next book is a surprise at this stage.

Self-help books – food for the soul or vomit-worthy?

Self-help books – I know they help a lot of people and I’ll read what is promoted as good and what I need to focus on, but always keep an open mind and question if the advice is of help to me, rather than blindly following the next big thing out there.

Can you even be bothered to read anymore now you have a smart phone? Why? 

I hate reading from a screen. I love the smell of books (apart from the vomit smelling ones from my library when I was in primary school (Oh, Miffy jumps out at me now!!)

Have you read a book more than once? 

Many books, many times.

What is the longest book you’ve read? 

Probably The Lord of the Rings? Or Dr Doolittle?

Do you enjoy reading for pleasure? 

Not as often as I used to.

Books versus e-books – got an opinion? 

Book, every time!

Audiobooks – love ‘em or loath ‘em? 

Never tried one.

Biggest library fine you’ve ever received?

 About 20c (back in the day…)

Best library you’ve visited? 

The one in Melbourne City – amazing place.

What was your high school library like? 

All I can remember is the newspapers.

Fiction or non-fiction? 


Did you enjoy reading in high school? 

I was real bookworm for many years.

Do schools even need a school library now? 

YES. Invaluable resource. There is more than just researching on the internet.

Book clubs – Fun or Hideous? 

My slack reading habits wouldn’t meet the rules.

Do you ever annotate books?  Scribble? Post-it notes? Highlighters?

 Only my English texts in high school, only ever in pencil and lightly.


Is there a book you just couldn’t finish? 

One of my English text books, A Backward Place by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala.


Do you have a favourite quote from any of the books you read? 

Too many to remember.

Which version first? Book before movie or movie before book? 

I prefer book first, so I create the pictures in my head, but have found that I then get disappointed when I see the film.

Your High School library – a safe refuge or to be avoided at all costs? 

Nice for some quiet down time and cool in Summer, warm in Winter!

Hardcover or soft? 

Prefer hard cover.

Big fonts…..are we there yet? (no judgement here…)😉 

Not yet, but it will come.

Librarians…..devils in disguise or helpful? 

Helpful in many ways and very knowledgeable about many things. A world without librarians would not be a good place to be!


What are authors, illustrators, and education leaders saying about the importance of school libraries?




Share a story about how school libraries or staff have had a positive impact on your life.

As part of the Australian School Libraries Day celebration, you have the chance to win one of eight $100 gift vouchers for your nominated school library.


To win, tell us in 100 words or less why you love your school library and the how the staff in the library have helped you. Nominate your favourite school library now.