School Council News

School Council met on Tuesday 25th July, welcoming our newest members, Ben Italiano and Jono Rundell. We thank them both for putting their hands up to help support our great school community, filling the recently vacated positions on Council and its sub-committees. 


Mat Montebello provided a thorough update through his Principal report, with lots happening for the school. 


2024 Prep Enrolments are in, and we are pleased to have received a healthy number of applications, highlighting the ongoing strength and appeal of our wonderful school. 


Heritage Victoria have recently advised a reclassification of the heritage overlay, with the entire school site due to become heritage listed, not just the currently listed Redbrick, Bluestone and Bristol buildings. We are pleased to have their support in the ongoing upkeep of our school’s heritage buildings.


And in keeping with the topic of our heritage, we are excited for the upcoming 150th Anniversary celebrations and events next week, with the Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony on Monday 31st July, the Celebration Day Parade and Cake Cutting Ceremony on Friday 4th August. We warmly welcome our entire school community to attend! Later in the month will be the much anticipated Gala and Community Open Day, which look to be events not to miss! We thank Nicole Paramanis, Amanda Kelly, Zeena Lateef, Tony Dean and Amber Cassidy for leading the charge and organising these activities on behalf of the parent body. The organising teams are doing a wonderful job to create some fantastic + memorable experiences for the whole school community, and we can't wait to celebrate this milestone with you all over the coming weeks.


School Council also received reports from Finance, Education Policy and Buildings + Grounds Sub-Committees. 


The Education Policy report highlighted ongoing policy review and development of a safety standards checklist to ensure control mechanisms are in place and standards met. Ed Pol also noted that inline with the upcoming school review, the community will be called upon to share their insights and feedback via surveys and community forums. We look forward to communicating more about this later in the year.  


The Buildings + Grounds report outlined the Building and Grounds Master Plan for the next 5+ years. This plan maps out key projects, maintenance and upgrades planned and required. Buildings and Grounds is currently assessing budgets and identifying priority items, and Council wishes to thank our families for the voluntary contributions to the building fund that help support these developments and upgrades. Your ongoing support is vital to these improvements and is very much appreciated.


School Council’s next meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th August.