Parent & Carers Information

Book Week - Book Stall
Celebrate Book Week - Thursday 24 August
- Dress Up Day - Dress as your favourite book character and make a gold coin donation.
- Book stall at lunchtime - books will be available in the Canteen courtyard for students and staff to purchase with a gold coin donation.
All funds raised will go to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, a national charity that helps to provide culturally relevant books and learning resources to children and families living in remote Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Communities across Australia.
OLIVIA MONRO, The Harmony Team
First Aid News
There have been some reports of head lice within the school. This is not a cause for serious concern as your child may not be affected, however, head lice are extremely contagious.
It is extremely important to check your child’s head for head lice today. Keep checking every 2 days until there are no head lice found for 10 consecutive days.
Chemical preparations will only kill live lice. The most effective way to eradicate Lice Eggs is to apply conditioner to dry hair and comb through with a lice comb. The eggs will dislodge from the hair enabling them to be disposed of.
If you do find head lice, commence effective treatment immediately and be sure to complete the process of treatment and retreat. This will help prevent head lice from spreading.
There are two main treatment options for head lice:
- wet combing using conditioner and a fine-tooth comb.
- chemical removal using synthetic or natural insecticides.
The wet combing method is a cheap and effective way to treat head lice. The conditioner doesn’t kill the lice, but it briefly stuns them, making it easier for the nit comb to trap and remove the lice and eggs.
If you decide to use chemical treatment, it is important that you follow the instructions closely. Repeat the chemical treatment in a week to kill any newly hatched eggs.
No single treatment works for everyone. You might need to try a few different treatments or a combination to find the method that works best for you.
If you require any further information contact your local pharmacy, as treatment is readily available and easy to apply, or visit:
FIONA CASEY, First Aid Officer
Payment Process and Closing Dates for Excursions and Activities via Compass
Camps, Excursions, and other school based activities that have a financial charge associated with them fall under the Extra-Curricular Items and Activities category of fees and are offered to students on a ‘user pays’ basis. They are offered in addition to the standard curriculum.
Cut off dates for payment and consent on Compass are set by the school to assist us in meeting our financial and duty of care requirements for each event. In support of meeting these obligations, we will not extend due dates for events or take late payments.
Administration staff send an email to families when the event is published and a reminder email five days prior to the event closing date. Students are also reminded by their classroom teachers about events and when payment and consent must be received. If payment or consent is not received by the due date, your child will be excluded from the activity and will be supervised by teachers at school.
If you have received CSEF funding and would like to allocate it towards a Compass Event, or have credit on your family statement that you would like to use, please contact Jacinta D’Avoine (Revenue Administrator) 9430 5118 or email to arrange for the allocation to be processed.
Please ensure that if payment is made via CSEF, credit allocation or an alternate method to Compass, please ensure that you consent via Compass prior to the closing date once the allocation has been made or payment has been receipted by the school.
If you are having issues accessing Compass, please contact the school for assistance. Thank you for your support with this matter.
CATHERINE ZERNA, Finance Manager
Grounds Committee
Committee Meeting Date | Working Bee Date |
Thursday 17 August | Sunday 27 August |
Thursday 14 September | Sunday 15 October |
Thursday 23 November | Sunday 3 December |
The planned tasks for the day will include garden bed rejuvenation, planting, mowing and brush-cutting, weeding and pruning and sanding of table tops in the courtyard area.
If you would like to attend the upcoming Working Bee please complete the following Microsoft Form by Tuesday 22 August, 2023 to advise of numbers and any dietary requirements.
Our EHS Grounds Committee is also always looking for new members. If you'd like to get more involved with the school community and help with planning the school outdoor areas and gardens, please contact Anna Panas at
Meetings are held on a Thursday evening at the school prior to each Working Bee.
ANNA PANAS, On Behalf of the Grounds Committee
Library News: Judge the book by its cover
The Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) is a not for profit, volunteer run organisation which aims to engage the community with literature for young Australians. The CBCA presents annual awards to books of literary merit, and for outstanding contribution to Australian children's literature.
There are six categories and the winners were announced on Friday 18 August.
To celebrate Book Week and Book of the Year, the Library ran a competition titled “Judge the book by its cover”. Students needed to guess which book would be the winner of Book of the Year for Older Readers. The first six correct entries won a chocolate prize. Congratulations to those students.
The winners of the six categories for 2023 are:
Book of the Year : Older Readers
Neverlanders by Tom Taylor
Illustrated by Jon Sommariva
Book of the Year : Younger Readers
Runt by Craig Silvey
Book of the Year : Early Childhood
Where the lyrebird lives by Vikki Conley
Illustrated by Max Hamilton
Picture Book of the Year
My strange shrinking parents by Zeno Sworder
Eve Pownall Award (Non fiction)
Deep : Dive into hidden worlds
by Jess McGeachin
CBCA Award for New Illustrator
Tiny wonders by Sally Soweol Han
All the shortlisted books for Older Readers and Younger Readers are available for borrowing from the Library.
RHONDA MALONE, Library Coordinator
2023 Term Dates
Term 3:
Starts: 10 July
Finishes: 15 September (2:30pm finish)
Term 4:
Starts: 2 October
Finishes: 20 December (Dependent on Year level)
2023 Clubs and Activities