Principal's Report

Past Student Achievement: Michaela Prunotto – Graduate - Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning UoM
We congratulate Michaela Prunotto (Class of 2016, Everard House) on her graduation from the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, the University of Melbourne.
Throughout her time at the university Michaela achieved academic excellence and demonstrated leadership and passion. It is for this reason that Michaela was invited to deliver the Valedictory Address at the Graduation Ceremony .
It is not surprising that Michaela was selected for this task, as she demonstrated the same qualities throughout her time at Eltham High School excelling in both the Arts and Science fields. A final piece of Michaela’s Year 12 Art Folio hangs in our school foyer as part of the Eltham High School Art collection.
Michaela has identified the importance of addressing environmental issues through her profession. We are very proud of her achievements to date and look forward to hearing of other remarkable achievements throughout her career as an architect.
We wish Michaela every success and a brilliant future. You can listen to Michaela’s speech by clicking the button below.
Past Student Entrepreneur
Congratulations to Claudia Van Eeden (Class of 2013, Stewart House), whose illustrations from her book ‘Coo-ee’ published by Perimeter, have been iterated into a collection of endearing baby and children’s wear and beddings by Halcyon Nights.
Her humorous and progressive take on Australiana is a delight to people of all ages. It is always amazing to see our Alumni making their place in the world. Claudia is certainly doing this with great passion and gusto. Her design skills and flair have allowed have resulted in the illustrations of ‘Coo-ee’ and her entrepreneurial skills have resulted in the collection of baby wear and apparel.
Well done Claudia! Claudia’s collection can be seen through the following link:
Year 7 Camp
The first Year 7 Camp of the season took place on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 August. Our students and staff all had an amazing time making the most of their city experience and spending the night in a Melbourne hostel.
I was fortunate to meet up with the group at their evening activity, visiting the exhibition at LUME. The current exhibition highlights Indigenous Art and the exhibition space is filled with colour and movement.
The Interactive Room was a highlight for our students as was “Emily’s Room”, a collection of art works by one of Australia’s prominent contemporary artists, Emily Kame Kngwarreye. This room consists of over 50 panels painted in one year of Emily’s life and creates an enduring legacy that Emily has left behind. Our students were marvelled by the colour and the depiction of light through the various panels.
They certainly had a great time navigating the space for over an hour and totally engaged in the experience.
Staff reported that the students had been great throughout the day and that they enjoyed the adventure.
A second group is getting ready to go out this Thursday and the final group will go out Thursday of next week.
I want to both thank and congratulate the Junior School Team under the leadership of Melissa Hughes and thank all our staff both teaching and non-teaching staff who attended the camp or covered classes for those who did, making this wonderful experience possible for our students.
Wear it Purple Day
Wear it Purple strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people.
The focus of the work includes: Awareness; Opportunity; Environment and Collaboration.
I personally invite all of our community to join us to celebrate Wear it Purple Day on 25 August, no matter where you are or what you are doing.
So on this day please be visible in your purple gear. By doing so you will be giving a clear message to any rainbow young person in your vicinity: the message of solidarity and support.
I ask you to be part of a movement that has the potential to save thousands of lives.
More information can be found on
Wear it Purple Day 2022
Reminders: Year 10 Work Experience 2023
As communicated previously, Work Experience for Year 10 students is scheduled to take place in week 9 of this term – Monday 4 – Friday 8 September.
As forms have been slow in coming in even after continuous reminders, it has been decided that during this time Year 10 classes and Enhancement classes will continue as normal. Teachers of year 10 will be asked not to schedule assessments during this week. As per the usual practice, students will be able to access details of the lesson via Compass.
For those students who have already organised a placement and returned their paperwork or will organise a placement and return the paperwork by the due date, Tuesday 29 August, work experience will proceed as planned.
Forms can be accessed through our Careers website at
- Use the “Workplace Learning” link and select “Required documents".
Alternatively, forms are located outside the Careers Office next to the Drama Room. There is the standard Placement Form along with a Transport/Accommodation Form, if necessary.
It is imperative that students and parents/carers understand that if a student is not involved in an officially organised work placement as approved by the school that they are required to attend school during this week.
I thank all parents/carers for your support with this.