
Exciting Ceramics Opportunity for Years 9 and 10 Arts Students
Eltham High School and Montsalvat have liaised together to offer an exciting pilot extension program for students in Years 9 and 10 to engage in ceramics workshops.
This clay taster will run for six weeks offering students the opportunity to experience hand building and wheel throwing techniques under the tutelage of Montsalvat artists and staff at Clay Talk Studios. Interested students in Years 9 and 10 are invited to submit an expression of interest form to participate. Places are limited to 12 students.
If you have an interest in ceramics and want to build your skills and experience working with clay and would like to learn from well regarded ceramic artists and tutors at Montsalvat then you are encouraged to apply. You will have access Clay Talk's incredible ceramic facilities while making, glazing and firing your own clay products.
Expression of interest forms can be obtained from the General Office or Lisa Foote, and should be returned no later than 28 August. Students will be selected based on the completion of an expression of interest form and their progress at school.
The six week course will take place on Mondays September 4 and 11 and October 2, 9, 16 and 23 1:00pm - 3:00pm at Clay Talk, Montsalvat.
Students will walk to Montsalvat at 1:00pm and return by 3:00pm and will be accompanied by a teacher from Eltham High School.
This is a funded program through the generosity of Montsalvat so there are no costs involved for participating students.
Please note students are expected to catch up on any work missed due to their participation in the Ceramic Program.
Inaugural Eltham High School Postcard Show
Eltham High Schools' Visual Art Leaders are delighted to announce The Inaugural Postcard Show - an opportunity for students and staff alike to connect with our community creatively. Participants are invited to create a postcard sized artwork responding to the theme ‘Connections’.
The two-dimensional artwork you create must be completed on the postcard (available at the Front Office) and can be in any medium(s) of your choosing!
Completed entries should be placed in the designated ‘Post Box’ at the Front Office no later than 28 August. Please make sure that you write both your full name and year level on the back of your postcard before you submit it!
All works will be exhibited in the 100s building and the Arts and Technology Exhibition in term 4. The top five postcards will be selected by Mr Sicari and a guest judge and will be printed as cards to be used by the school.
There are also prizes awarded for the following age groups:
- Years 7 & 8
- Years 9 & 10
- Staff
Please note that while we encourage everyone to submit more than one postcard, only one per participant will be considered for an award.
Don’t hesitate to contact Lisa Foote ( with any questions or concerns. The Art Office is more than happy to provide art supplies if required.
Life Drawing for Senior Students
Over the past six weeks senior students have engaged in life drawing at Nyora Studio Gallery. Under the tutelage of local artist, Emmy Mavroidis, students have managed to produce some remarkable studies of the human form.
Each year we are amazed by the quality and level of maturity reflected in our students work.
Congratulations to Sarah Baker (Year 11, Rutter House), Madison Tindal (Year 11, Stewart House), Maddie Azzopardi (Year 11, Everard House), Ellie Winnard (Year 11, Rutter House), Soren Kean (Year 10, Stewart House), Victoria Pantelejenko (Year 11, Rutter House), Odette Moore (Year 12, Stewart House), Olivia Walls-Moran (Year 11, Rutter House), Rune Fitzmaurice (Year 10, Andrew House), Sophia Howse (Year 12, Stewart House), Amelie Menzies (Year 10, Everard House), Kokono Nakamura (Year 10, Rutter House), Ani Roberts (Year 10, Rutter House), Lucinda Roberts (Year 10, Rutter House) and Stephanie Smith (Year 11, Stewart House) on their amazing achievements.
Montsalvat Youth Photography Prize - 2023
Montsalvat is excited to launch the 2023 Montsalvat Youth Photography Competition. With a long and rich history in film and photography it’s time to inspire the next generation of emerging art and documentary photographers. Entrants are invited to explore the grounds, buildings, people and activities of Montsalvat: to capture its essence and bring their own imagination to the process! The Montsalvat Youth Photography Competition is open to young people aged 14 - 18 who are based in Victoria. We invite you to join this creative journey, to be inspired by Montsalvat’s stunning environment and contribute to the cultural program through your submission.
First Prize: $1000 sponsored by Future Leaders. The winner will have their work printed and framed by Montsalvat for display in the Barn Gallery for a three week exhibition.
Second Prize: $500: 20 shortlisted artists will displayed on Montalvat's website and screen in the Barn Gallery for a three-week digital exhibition on a rotational basis. These works will additionally be catalogued and preserved by our friends, the Eltham District Historical Society, providing a permanent display of work for young photographers.
Key Dates:
Entries close: Friday 8 September - Midnight
Finalists advised: Friday 15 September
The winners will be formally awarded their prize at Montsalvat on Sunday 1 October.
Eltham High Arts and Technology Instagram Account
Keep up to date about everything Arts and Technology including upcoming events, exhibitions, subject information, plus lots more.
You can join our account at or you can access the account through the following link:
LISA FOOTE, Arts KLA Coordinator