Dear Families,
St. Brendan’s Parent's and Friends invite all children to order from our Mother’s Day Stall for their Mums, Nans, Aunts or another Special Lady. Attached is a flyer with the items available for purchase.
All items are pre-ordered to avoid disappointment and ordered items will be handed out to students on Thursday 6th May 2021.
Orders are to be returned with payment by no later than THURSDAY, 29TH APRIL 2021.
Families have two options to place their orders for the Mother’s Day Stall.
Option 1
Complete the attached Order Form and return to School. This Order Form is also available from the School Office, and will be sent home today with the eldest child in the family.
Option 2
Respond and order via the Operoo e-Form (you will have already received via email an Operoo request for the Mother’s Day Stall. If you are not using Operoo to place your order, or choose not to order at all, please respond No to the Operoo e-Form to avoid receiving automatic email reminders).
Payment can be made by Cash or Card at the School Office, or via Direct Deposit:
Account: St. Brendan’s Primary School
BSB: 083-543 Account: 457828668
If you are using direct deposit, please use the reference ‘MDS’ and your ‘surname’.
The P&F Committee would be grateful to hear from anyone available to help on Friday, 30th April 2021 to help go through orders.
We will also require helpers on Thursday, 6th May 2021 to sort all the products into classroom groups.
If you are available to assist with either of these dates please email:
Ronnyne Magill