Junior School

SPC - One Dream

On Saturday 15 May, our Junior School boys will take part in their first Supporters’ Day. This is a very special day in the life of each boy at the College – a day where he fully embraces being a ‘St Pat’s boy’ and celebrates being part of the Blue, Black and Gold.


It is with great pride that we invite Year 5 and Year 6 parents/carers to share this day with their sons, and experience first-hand his new school through his eyes. The day will include: 

  • a tour of the Junior School campus and other College facilities
  • meeting our student Senior Leaders
  • supporting the First XI Football team as they compete against St Pius X College
  • a parent afternoon tea including an address from the College Principal and
  • taking a seat alongside your son in the stands on Breen Oval to cheer on the 
    First XV Rugby team as they take on Trinity Grammar School

Please join us and allow us to share with you how we encourage and nurture each boy to pursue his dreams and to live out the College’s motto: 


Luceat Lux Vestra – to ‘Let His Light Shine’. 


Please go to trybooking to book your attendance


Damian Chase

Deputy Principal


Certificates of Commendation

When a student earns four Commendation Slips, this earns him a Commendation Award. Earning four Commendation Awards makes him eligible for a Certificate of Commendation. Last week, the following students were acknowledged at College Assembly for their outstanding achievement, receiving a Certificate of Commendation:


Leon Burgio, Jonah Kalifa, Jamie Padd, Nicholas Stojanovski, and Noah Youssef.


Congratulations boys and well done!

Commendation Awards

Congratulations to Phillip Alphonse, George Antoune, Julian Ardore, Ryan Banaghan, Zac Bechara, Levi Berbari, Aidan Bohl, Baille Brogden, Benjamin Calleja (x2), Miguel De Nobrega (x2), Luca Di Gori, Desmond Drinias, Isaac El-Zarif, Lachlan Feige, Louis Gilroy, Isaac Giunta, Olawe Kelly-Hanku (x2) Cody Kolman (x3), Joshua Lattanzi, Simon Malki, William Milton, Samuel Naccarella, Isaac Neville, Xavier O’Beid, Luca Ortado, Ben Prichard, Jake  Quailey, Jackson Santiago, Salvatore Sciacca, Aidan Scullion, Jean-Marc Scundi (x2), Max Simon, Nathan Sleiman, Dimitri Staveris (x2), Nicholas Stojanovski, Xavier Tafaro, Charbel Taouk, Will Taylor, Harrison Ticli, Kian White, Nathan Wong, and Noah Youssef.

Brainstorm Productions Performances

The power of live theatre to awaken our empathy and engage us through storytelling is remarkable, which is why we incorporate Brainstorm Production’s annual performance into the College’s wellbeing program.


As their website states, “We are one of Australia’s largest and most respected educational theatre companies, reaching more than 360,000 students each year with our anti bullying, cyber safety and student wellbeing programs.


“Each live theatre performance is supported by a Q&A and suite of curriculum-aligned Teacher Resources to continue the learning in the classroom. Presented by professional young performers, our programs inspire students to build resilience and positive connections.


This year, Year 5 are watching ‘The Magic Words’, which focuses on values and respect, cyber safety, and resilience. Year 6 are watching ‘Buddies’, focusing on cyber safety, bullying and friendship. These performances take place in our regular scheduled Pastoral Care Period (PCP) on a Wednesday afternoon – Year 5 this week and Year 6 in Week 4.


I hope these performances will lead to interesting and fruitful dinner conversations at your place. Good luck!


God Bless.


Ben Munday 

Director of Junior School