From the Principal's Desk

COVID-19 School Operations Guide Update ( 29th April)
As we continue to adapt our school operations while remaining COVID Safe I thought I'd update you all on procedures.
- Stop Kiss and Drop Signs will now be removed from each Community, meaning families can access areas for reasons other than morning prayer.
- All buildings have our Victorian Government QR Code on display so If you are going to be in an area for more than 15 minutes we ask you to 'scan in'.
- We still need to apply the 2sq meter density quotient to all areas accessed by the public.
- The density rule does not apply when it is solely staff and students accessing a particular space.
- When required, we will be providing excursion venues with contact details for students for contact-tracing purposes.
- With the easing of restrictions, we must remember to sanitize when entering rooms!
Mothers' Day Breakfast & Stall
Don't forget that our Mothers' Day Breakfast will be hosted this Friday morning starting at 8:00am. There will be a selection of pastries, danishes and fruit from which to choose and of course, we will have the coffee van on-site (it was a struggle but we got one!)
And children, ... don't forget the Mothers' Day Stall on Friday morning. Hope you have been saving up (or have spoken to dad) and you bring your shopping money to school.
Students will have the opportunity to go shopping and purchase from a range of gifts to spoil their mums come Sunday. Gifts will range between $2.00 - $5.00 so there will be something for everyone.
We need one or two more people to assist on the Mothers' Day Stall (you must hold a valid Working with Children Check). If you are able to and you are available between 9:00-11:00 am on the day, please submit your details via the following form by tomorrow.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) 2021 for Years 3 and 5 students will be held on Tuesday 11 May, Wednesday 12 May and Thursday 13 May 2021.
NAPLAN tests assess student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy.
To facilitate this there will be changes to our weekly timetable. For the most part, children will still wear their sports uniforms on their designated days.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) On School Students with Disability
Please find below the link to the NCCD Information Sheet for Parents, Carers and Guardians, which all schools are required to share with families.
On Sunday 16 of our Year Six students made their Confirmation. The children were presented beautifully by their families and participated reverently throughout the celebration. We thank all families for your understanding and adherence to capacity limits and hope you had the opportunity to celebrate afterward.
Thanks to Miss Poropat and Miss Dullard for the preparation of the children and to Miss Wilkinson for her coordination and organization of the proceedings.
School Closure Days
Please note in your diaries our upcoming School Closure Days for Staff Professional Development:
- Friday 28th May
- Monday 12th July
- Monday 1st November
Have a wonderful week. Happy Mother's Day!
God bless
Anthony Hyde
Book Club
It's Book Club time again. Issue 3 is out now. Your children have received their catalogue.
Orders can be made through the Scholastic Book Club Loop. All orders must be in by 12th May at 5pm. I will lock the Book Club at that time. Any orders after this will attract a home delivery fee.
Books will then be delivered to the school and distributed to the children.
If you ordered last term and did not receive your books, can you please contact me by email at I will follow this up. If you are having difficulty ordering or are new to book club please feel free to contact me by email also.
Kylie Feely
Book club coordinator