Religious Education and Social Justice

Mothers' Day
On this Mothers' Day, we recognise the love and care that mothers, grandmothers and carers give to the children in their lives. We thank them for all they do and wish them all a very happy and peaceful Mothers' Day.
A Prayer for Mothers
O Loving Lord,
You have created mothers in love
and blessed them with children.
As they work tirelessly to support their families
may they be showered with your blessings.
Give mothers strength to exercise compassion
as they live each day under your care.
May those who are joined in your love,
support mothers by their fervour of spirit
and devotion to prayer.
We thank you, O Lord,
for the gift of Motherhood.
May those blessed with children
be granted the gifts of courage,
perseverance and good health.
May they face each new day with faith
and hope in your abiding love.
May all families find in the strength of your love
the priceless gift of peace
And so bear witness to your glory.
As Mary was the model of prayer, of love,
and of obedience to the will of God,
by your grace make mothers holy
and rich with your gifts.
Bind families together in the bonds
of peace and safety
so that mothers will feel nurtured by love.
May all mothers enjoy good health
and spiritual well being
to enable them to care for their families.
Jane Wilkinson
Religious Education Leader