Palombaggia, Corsica

Bonjour tout le monde!


The students have had a wonderful Term 1 in French and have learnt new vocabulary and new grammar concepts. In the past couple of weeks, some Year levels were being assessed in class or through simple homework tasks. 

  • In Prep, after watching a short video (Trotro s'habille  - Trotro is getting dressed) , the students listened to French instructions in order to colour in Trotro's clothes. The next part of the task will consist in writing the colour words.
    Some of the oral instructions that I gave them were:
                  -  'Le pantalon est bleu' (as I was pointing at the pants),
                  -  'La chemise est orange' (as I was pointing at the shirt),
                  -  'Le pull est vert' (as I was pointing at the jumper).
    The Prep students did extremely well. I was impressed! They all know the French colours very well, thanks to the great help of Mrs Lee who regularly practises the new French words in class with them.
  • In Years 1 and 2, the students have learnt how to spell the French numbers 1 to 10 and how to use them to answer simple Maths equations (e.g: huit + deux = ?). They were assessed this week and did very well.
  • In Years 3 and 3/4, we are continuing with our topic 'dans la ville' (in town), with new vocabulary and fun activities such as Word Search and labelling a town. The students have learnt two new expressions: 'il y a' (there is) and 'il n'y a pas' (there isn't).
  • In Years 4/5 and 5/6, the students are learning the concept of conjugating verbs. In order to memorise how to conjugate the verb 'habiter' (to live) in the present tense, they were given a little bit of homework and they worked in pairs to complete a few exercises in class.  Together we played a Memo game, which was fun!




The French song of the week is 'Santiano' that students in Year 3/4 will start learning in class next week for an Assembly performance in Term 2. 

It is by far the most popular sea shanty in France. All French children learn it at some stage during their childhood, usually at summer camp or at school. It was released in1961 by artist Hugues Aufray. The song tells the story of a sailor who is leaving the town of Saint Malo in the French region of Brittany and travelling all the way to San Francisco, aboard the three-master Santiano. He leaves behind his girlfriend, Margaux. In those days, San Francisco was a rich city and people went there to find gold. Even though he is happy to go and try to find some himself, he is very sad to leave Margaux behind for many months.

I wish you all a restful, fun and safe Easter holiday.

Bonnes vacances à tous! Have a nice holiday everyone!

A bientôt! Talk to you soon!
