Year 6 Tennis Gala Day

From Jane Year 6 Teacher 


This year, Interschool Sport has a new look with a series of Gala Days replacing the Friday morning competition. 

I was the proud 'coach' for the NMPS tennis team who played doubles across two days with an enthusiastic group of budding tennis champions. 

There were many examples of sportsmanship, friendly competition, and clever shots made throughout the day. 


Below is some more information about the day written by Mai and Ivy from 6B.


Last term, a group of 16 Year 6 students participated in interschool sports, but more specifically, tennis. The North Melbourne preventative included two separate teams playing for their school in team A or team B. The games were on a quarter of a court, doing mini-tennis doubles. Both teams succeeded by earning many points for their teammates. Team A, even made it to the District finals. Congratulations!
In the finals, that term A was in, it was a very challenging and close game, almost ending as a tie! It was very fun to participate and meet other schools. Everyone was a good sport and will be in the next step of tennis. Congratulations to both tennis teams, coming third and first in tennis