
Blue, Green, Red and Yellow / College Map

2022 House Leadership Teams 

Blue House

Lisa Pizzol - Blue House Leader
Pat Mooney - Blue House Asst. Leader
Maddi Fenton - Blue House Asst. Leader
Brooke Majera - Blue House Support Officer
Lisa Pizzol - Blue House Leader
Pat Mooney - Blue House Asst. Leader
Maddi Fenton - Blue House Asst. Leader
Brooke Majera - Blue House Support Officer

House Leader

Miss Lisa Pizzol -

As Blue House Leader in 2022, I am excited to work with and build an inclusive culture for all students, guardians and staff. I am an experienced Maths teacher who has been teaching VCE Mathematics for 11 years. I have worked at MEC for 4 years as the Professional Practice Leader and am ecstatic to take on my new role as House Leader in Early Commencement. My team and I hope that Blue House will become a place for students to grow and we welcome all to our family. 


Assistant House Leader 

Mr Patrick Mooney -

As one of the Assistant Blue House Leaders, I am excited to begin my new role and set about building relationships throughout Blue House. I have worked at MEC for the past 2 years as a Humanities teacher while also undertaking the role of Year 12 Coordinator. I look forward to working with the best team who will work together to continue to build relationships with the staff, students and families of the MEC community.


Assistant House Leader 

Ms Maddison Fenton -

As one of the Assistant Blue House Leaders, I am eager to be involved in the wonderful changes that will occur at MEC in 2022. I joined the MEC team last year and have taught a wide range of subjects including: English, Humanities, Sociology and Year 9 Centre. I am looking forward to undertaking my new role during Early Commencement and continue the terrific relationships with the MEC community I have developed over my time here. 


House Support Officer 

Mrs Brooke Majera -

I am thrilled for this opportunity to help support the staff, students and families of Blue House.  2022 will be my seventh year at Mount Erin College.  During this time, I have watched timid Year 7 students grow into capable young adults.  I look forward to being part of this team and helping your students reach their full potential.  


Green House

Rebecca Milesi - Green House Leader
Melissa Andrews - Green House Asst. Leader
Rebecca Milesi - Green House Leader
Melissa Andrews - Green House Asst. Leader

House Leader

Miss Rebecca Milesi - 

I am passionate about getting to know my students and how they learn. As the leader of Green House, I am excited to work with the House Leadership team to create a positive and accepting environment for all students, parents, guardians and staff.


I have been a leader in Student Management, Wellbeing and Engagement for the past 6 years both as a Year Level Leader and a leader of the Junior Sub-school. I am a Maths and Science teacher and have taught VCE Chemistry for 9 years. The Green House leadership team is looking forward to getting to know and work closely with all the members of the Green House and developing a deep sense of belonging and connectedness.


Assistant House Leader

Miss Melissa Andrews -

I have been teaching for 14 years, the last 6 years have been spent here at Mount Erin. In this time I have taken on the opportunity and challenge of a range of curriculum and wellbeing roles, while teaching the subjects I love, English and Drama, across all year levels.


As an educator I have always been an advocate for students getting involved in the myriad of extra-curricular activities their school has to offer. As Assistant Green House Leader I am excited to see the ways this participation will be encouraged and acknowledged within our new house system. I want nothing more than for all students, both in Green House, and across the school, to have the opportunity to share, show and feel proud of their own skills, strengths and capabilities.


Red House

Lyndal Yardas - Red House Leader
Alex Trickovic - Red House Asst. Leader
Brittany Harvey - Red House Asst. Leader
Michelle Streat - Red House Support Officer
Lyndal Yardas - Red House Leader
Alex Trickovic - Red House Asst. Leader
Brittany Harvey - Red House Asst. Leader
Michelle Streat - Red House Support Officer

House Leader 

Ms Lyndal Yardas -

As the Red House leader for 2022, I am thrilled to be working with students, parents, guardians and the community to build a legacy of learning that is positive, safe, and supportive. As a teacher for the past 20 years, I have taught many subjects in VCE and VCAL with the Physical Education, Health and Science Domains. I have worked at Mount Erin College for the past 3 years as the Senior Sub School Leader and am looking forward to the role as the Red House Leader. The Red House team is looking forward to assisting students to improve their social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes in 2022.


Assistant House Leader

Mr Alex Trickovic 

As one of the Assistant Leaders for Red House, I am elated to play an active role in the positive changes that will occur over the next year. I have been at Mount Erin College for 3 years as a member of both the English and Humanities Domains. During my time here, I have taught at all year levels, including both VCE and VCAL classes and in 2021 served as the Year 11 Assistant Leader. My passion lies within supporting students both personally and academically and ensuring that they have a positive experience during their time at Mount Erin College, particularly as a proud member of Red House in 2022.  


Assistant House Leader 

Ms Brittany Harvey -

I am so thrilled to be returning to Mount Erin in 2022 as the Assistant Red House Leader. Having worked at Mount Erin since 2017, I have undertaken a number of roles and taught across a number domains including English, Psychology and Humanities. Most recently, I have spent 2021 working as a police officer, but found that I missed the classroom and teaching. 


Red house is the place to be in 2022, and I look forward to working in the team, promoting connections with the greater school community and celebrating the individual talents, strengths and contributions that students bring to the house. #GetREDdy2022


House Support Officer

Michelle Streat -

Hi my name is Michelle Streat and I’m very excited to be the Red House Support Officer.  

I have had 20 years experience working in administration support positions.  For the past 11 years I have been working in a school office as an Administration Officer working closely with the Principal team, teachers, students and parents. I am looking forward to joining the staff at Mount Erin College and meeting the students and parents of Red House.   


I will be providing administration support to Ms Yardas and the Leaders of Red House and will be the first point of contact with the school for students and parents.  I will be monitoring student attendance, providing basic first aid, maintaining enrolment details and making appointments for students and parents wishing to meet with Ms Yardas or a member of the Red House staff.


I have already had the pleasure of meeting some of the students.  If you haven’t popped in to say Hi, please come by the Red House Office and introduce yourself.  I am looking forward to meeting you all and working with you in 2022. 

Yellow House

Matt Baker - Yellow House Leader
Jackie Melling - Yellow House Asst. Leader
Nathasha Pitipana - Yellow House Asst. Leader
Dianne Salmon - Yellow House Support Officer
Matt Baker - Yellow House Leader
Jackie Melling - Yellow House Asst. Leader
Nathasha Pitipana - Yellow House Asst. Leader
Dianne Salmon - Yellow House Support Officer

House Leader 

Mr Matt Baker -

As Yellow House Leader in 2022, I am looking forward to working with all of the students in my house, ensuring they have a strong sense of connection to Yellow House and that they feel valued at Mount Erin College. I aim to develop positive rapport and work closely with students so they can strive to be the best person they can be and work closely with students' families so they feel supported in their child's journey as a learner at Mount Erin College. I have taught VCE Biology for 7 years and have a firm belief that all students can experience success in their studies. 


House Assistant Leader

Jackie Melling -

I have been a teacher for 19 years and have been teaching at Mount Erin College for the last 5 years. I am very excited to be moving to a House system and to be a part of supporting students in Yellow House. 


I have been teaching VCE Sociology for the past 9 years and I also teach Humanities and English. I have previously taught Psychology.


I will encourage the students in Yellow House to be the best they can be and to work together as a team supporting each other. I look forward to working with families and students across their learning journey at Mount Erin College.


House Assistant Leader

Nathasha Pitipana -

I am looking forward to working closely with students in Yellow House and fostering positive relationships in the coming year. I have been at the college for 3 years now, and during this time building rapport with students and getting to know them has been a priority of mine, so I believe that the move to a House system will give more opportunity to build these positive relationships.


I am positive that Yellow House will be able to build a community within it that is accepting of all students, providing students with a safe environment that they feel they can be comfortable in. Yellow House will be a space for students to strive for excellence and continue putting their best foot forward.


House Support Officer

Dianne Salmon -

It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself to the Mount Erin College Community.  I have worked for the Victorian Education Department for several years, in Student Support roles.  I am thrilled to be a member of the Yellow House team, where my main role will be Student Attendance.


I am a people person, and thrive on challenges and looking for opportunities to do better and achieve to my best ability.  I particularly enjoy the rapport that grows with students and families, and seeing the development of students during their secondary education. 

Away from work I enjoy new experiences, spending time with family and friends, news and current affairs and my twice daily coffee ritual.  


So if you see a new face around, say hello.  Go Hawthorn!


MEC Map - new locations for House Offices, Deaf Education Centre (Office and Classroom), Inclusion Office and Tutors Office
MEC Map - new locations for House Offices, Deaf Education Centre (Office and Classroom), Inclusion Office and Tutors Office