White Hub 

Since returning from online learning, me and my classmates have been working on a prototype for our catapult. We had to build it out of paddlepop sticks along with the help of a hot glue gun. 

We have also begun measuring and marking our four-meter wood for our real-life catapult and will soon be working on cutting and shaping. 

I am excited to beat all of the other hubs with our amazing life-sized catapult in the hub cup! 

It will be sad to finish Year 7, but I am also absolutely looking forward to all the new challenges Year 8 2022 has to offer. 

 Lily Franks (Year 7 White Hub Student)  


Silver Hub 


Our return from Online learning has been tested our grit and resilience. We relocated our classroom and after weeks of not seeing each other we threw ourselves into heaps of group work. So many changes!! Not only have we have designed, tested and built catapults but we have also combined our learning of Drama games and our knowledge of Ancient Rome to write and perform a play. Some of us excelled in this and definitely have potential in the Performing arts or in leadership positions in the future. We had a lot of people who were nervous about performing but with the help of their group mates, they were able to muster the courage to deliver their lines.  


Gold Hub 

Over Project 3, Gold Hub have been working on developing their Engineering portfolios by identifying areas of research, gathering information and using their learning to design their own Ancient Roman Catapult. The class firstly created a prototype, using hot glue and paddle pop sticks, to test the functionality of their design. They then adjusted their design and are now beginning the construction process through woodwork masterclasses in the school's construction shed. Once finished, Gold Hub will use their catapults to compete against the other classes in the Hub Cup Challenge at the end of the year. 

Blue Hub 

What a fantastic year it has been for our Blue Hub students. It has been an honour to watch these dedicated and hardworking individuals continue to grow and challenge themselves and their learning. Arguably, the biggest challenge they faced was their continued commitment during online learning. Even though, we learnt a lot about ourselves during this time, they continued to turn up every day for our daily check ins, participate in the project launch, film their Battle Cry speeches and have a go at home experiments.  It was lovely, to finally have them all back in the classroom and seeing each and every one of our students back engaging with their learning. What has been extra fun is all the hands on activities and experiments we have been able to do since returning to school. Building our catapult prototypes, constructing our final catapult in timber, play building in huddles to create our plays. Both myself and Mrs Dunn are exceptionally proud of how far they have come and will be sad to see them move forward into Year 8. Congratulations Blue Hub- it has been a fabulous time.