Ms Somerville Years 7 & 10

Term 4 has been incredibly busy as we have tried to navigate the return to school and keep up with all of the new rules of face masks, separate lunch breaks and what appeared to be the most challenging – no mingling of year groups. Despite these challenges Year 10 have still managed to complete subject selections and begin to think about their movement into Year 11. It has made many of them think about what career path they wish to take and what subjects will help them on the way. All students have now finalised their subjects and have up until Week 5 of next year to make any changes to the courses they have chosen.  Many of the students seemed to have grown a lot taller during the learning from home period and I have no doubt that when they return next year as seniors, they will look even more grown up in their senior uniforms!! I wish to thank Mrs Jane Lewis for her hard work this year as their Year Advisor and the concern and care she has shown for these students.  


Since their return, Year 7 have thrown themselves into the design and development of their Hub catapults as well as starting to get an idea of what Hub learning is going to look like in Year 8. Students will have the opportunity to have different teachers for their Core subjects – Quest, Stem and Lifestyle – but I am confident that Year 7 are ready and excited for the changes ahead. I enjoyed reading the many applications from students who were interested in applying for the enrichment Hub next year and while we could not accept EVERY student I thoroughly enjoyed reading not only their applications on what they would take to survive on a deserted island but the very clever way that some students chose to present it. It was also impressive to see the many positive comments made by classroom teachers in support of the student applications. Year 7 have certainly made an impression this year and I have been lucky enough to work with the amazing teachers and Year Advisors – Mrs Tilden and Mrs Merrett - on that journey.  


Year 12 have finally started their HSC examinations and despite the many delays, they have embraced them with determination and confidence. The supervisors have been highly impressed with the maturity and application of the students when completing each exam which is a lovely reflection on the whole group. It has been very reassuring that many of these students have taken advantage of the Schools Recommendation Scheme and are already receiving offers to attend university before completing their exams. We know that the resourcefulness the students have already shown us this year will put them in good stead for whatever challenges ahead they may face and we all hope to be able to have the students back early next year to celebrate their success.   


I hope that over the Christmas holidays everyone has the chance to rest and really recover from this year. Thank you for your ongoing support and I look forward to hopefully having a less challenging 2022! 

Mrs St Hill Years 8 & 11

Well done to everybody including our teachers, staff, students, families and the whole community for abiding by the guidelines that we found ourselves navigating through during 2021; from remote learning at home and then returning to school with further Covid-19 restrictions around mask wearing and cohort mingling. This has been a challenging time for everybody and I am proud that our school community has supported each other so well.


Year 8 are now trialling the classroom changes that will be the norm for 2022. They have returned to the smaller class sizes of their Pods and getting used to having one teacher with a smaller class of students compared to the large Hub classrooms. The applications for 9.1 and Studio School have now been completed and all successful students are being notified, in addition the elective classes for next year will be posted next week in preparation for 2022.


Year 11 have now swung into the full learning expectations of Year 12. They are settled and stepping into the academic rigor and expectations of their HSC year and teachers are reporting that our students are focused and keen to meet their potential. Well done to those students embracing the services of the study centre to have assistance and a settled place for study.


Students are being offered lots of support to meet our expectations for being in uniform. Many teachers are assisting at the beginning of the day and throughout classes to monitor students for meeting the uniform policy. As a uniform school, our P&C in consultation as well with students, have set a very flexible and modern uniform choice for everybody. The school can offer confidential student assistance for families that are having challenges on an annual basis. If successful, this can provide a small amount of financial assistance to purchase items of our approved school uniform. The new KKHS tights are being embraced by students and the newly fashioned sports shorts have been given the nod of approval by many students as well.


Please enjoy the upcoming summer break and act safely and kindly.

Ms Brady Years 9 & 12

Term 4 has seen a lot of change for everyone including myself. At the end of last term, I was appointed as Deputy Principal and have been transitioning into the role throughout the term. A massive thank you to Ms Toni Wilson who has been relieving in the position and supporting Year 9 and 12 throughout the year.  


Term 4 has seen Year 9 return to school dealing with the challenges of new rules including face masks and not mixing with other year groups. The return has also seen a focus on HIGH EXPECTATIONS for EVERY STUDENT in EVERY LESSON. Students need to ensure they are engaging positively with the NORMS of the school including being ready to learn (bag, books, pens, fully charged laptop), phones and hats off and in bag and being in correct school uniform EVERY DAY!!! Year 9 have been busy welcoming me into my new role, with many coming to visit and have a chat, I look forward working with them all over the next three years. For most students, the end of Year 9 marks the halfway point in their high school careers, we need to make sure that we are finishing this year with the intent we will start Year 10 as preparation begins for the pathway students will choose for their future. Finally, a big thank you to Ms Twyford and Mrs Stewart as Year 9 Year Advisors for welcoming me to the team and for their ongoing support of Year 9 students wellbeing. 

Term 4 was a little bit different than what Year 12 had planned but they have adjusted and made the most of the opportunities presented to them when the dates for the HSC were revised. Most students engaged with their teachers throughout the time preparing for exams, completing revision and many, many past papers. A shout out to all HSC teachers who not only supported, but motivated students to keep going at every hurdle they have had to overcome over the past 2 years, while ensuring that they were ready for their HSC exams. Mr Asvestas as Year Advisor has also been an ongoing source of support for students and has worked tirelessly with Heather Sutherland, and Mrs Asvestas, to ensure Year 12 are able to celebrate their success with the Year 12 Formal, which has not been an easy task. 


The end of the year has also seen Year 7 2022 complete their transition to KKHS where students have been able to get familiar with high expectations, routines and norms of KKHS. This has had to take on many forms due to Covid regulations but I’m sure all students will be ready to take on the challenges and excitement of starting high school. Thanks to Mrs Sams (rel. HT Year 7), Mr Berry and Mr Asvestas (Year Advisors), Year 7 teachers and Mrs Weir (HT LaST) for organising the Term 4 transition program and supporting our newest students to ensure they feel welcome and supported at KKHS. 


To support the transition of all students and families to KKHS, a Virtual Tour of the school is available on the KKHS website. So, while we might not be able to have you onsite, you can hopefully familiarise yourself with the school for when we can have everyone back at school celebrating student success.  

A reminder to all students and parents regarding school uniform. The school uniform shop and Flanagan’s Menswear in Cessnock, now has stock of new redesigned shorts. As we are a uniformed school, I would like to remind parents the importance of wearing school uniform including polo shirts, jumpers and shorts. 


Thank you for your ongoing support and have a safe and happy holiday. 

Mrs Edwards Studio School & Aboriginal Education

After a challenging year, Term 4 is swiftly coming to a close and the school holidays will soon be upon us! While that is very exciting, it is important to remember that we still have a few weeks to go and it is expected that you are showing up in full school uniform every day. The weather has been a little cooler than we are used to seeing at this time of the year and you are reminded that you must wear a school jumper.  


In Studio School, our Year 9 students have developed their own mentoring program to assist students to transition into our Big Picture learning space. Year 8 students have currently undergone the selection process for the 2022 Year 9 Big Picture class. Introduced to the selection process this year was the mentoring program which has been led by Lorissa Peterson and Tahlea Franks. The girls came to me with the idea after discussing this during an online COVID-19 lockdown check in. The resultant program has been a great success as potential students have been supported by current students during the initial application process and their All About Me Presentation through to the upcoming shadow days for the successful applicants of the Year 9 class of 2022.  A big shout out to all of the students who have participated and supported our new round of applicants and congratulations to all of those students who have been accepted into next year’s class. We are looking forward to seeing your future exhibitions! 


For those successful Year 8 applicants, Studio School shirts are available for purchase online through the school website or the following link:


Last week I was invited to Miss Robson’s Year 10 Big Picture class, where the students were provided with the opportunity to interact with a Holocaust survivor from the Sydney Jewish Museum. I was certainly impressed with the respect and compassion shown by these Year 10 students as they listened to the story told to them.  


A big thank you to Mrs Lewis who has been the Relieving Head Teacher of Studio School for Term 4. Unfortunately, we have lost Mrs Lewis to Hunter School of Performing Arts, but I would like to sincerely thank her for all the work she has done this term supporting our students in the Studio School space.  


The 2022 cohort of Year 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have currently started the process of developing their PLP’s (Personal Learning Pathways). These interviews should be complete by the end of the term and this information will be used to assist students and teachers with achieving their goals for their final year of school.  

Congratulations to all of our wonderful students for getting to the end of a very rough year! Wishing you all a wonderful holiday and stay safe!