Data Update: Unveiling our 2022 subjects

A bit of a different Data Update this newsletter: a major part of my job at Edgars Creek Secondary College is planning and constructing each year's timetable.
This is a complex process that thankfully is helped along through work with a lot of different leaders and staff within the College, as well as of course our students.
As we get closer to the end of the year, we are nearing the construction stage of the timetable, with key elements such as subject selections, staffing and recruiting nearing their completion.
Subject Selections for 2022
All existing students across Years 8 to 10 have now received their subjects for 2022. We are pleased to see that with our growing student numbers, Edgars Creek Secondary College is able to offer even more choices and opportunities for our learners to engage with learning programs that a) meet their learning needs while b) suit their areas of interest and expertise.
Year 11 2022
The College will be running Units 1 and 2 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subjects for the first time in 2022 across four Year 11 home groups.
In addition, a number of early-start VCE subject positions have been awarded to students in Year 10 next year that have shown both interest and strong academic skills and attitudes that will suit them in their early-start subject. The College will be offering Business Management, Food Studies and Legal Studies as its early-start VCE pathways for next year, with the view of expanding on this choice in future years.
Two Year 11 home groups will be undertaking the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) pathway for 2022. This pathway is made up of core subjects at the College scheduled over three days, supporting these students in undertaking and completing a Vocational Education & Training (VET) course at Peter Lalor Vocational College during Tuesdays or Wednesdays in 2022. On the alternate day, students will be undertaking a day of placement at a suitable employer.
VCE Subjects in 2022 at Edgars Creek SC | VET Courses in 2022 (at PLVC) |
Units 1 & 2 English (compulsory for all VCE students) | Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation |
Units 1 & 2 Psychology | Certificate II in Building and Construction - Carpentry |
Units 1 & 2 Physics | Certificate II in Electrotechnology |
Units 1 & 2 Business Management | Certificate II in Plumbing |
Units 1 & 2 Food Studies | Certificate II in Workplace Skills |
Units 1 & 2 Biology | Certificate III in Community Services |
Units 1 & 2 Physical Education | Certificate II in Creative Industries |
Units 1 & 2 Health & Human Development | Certificate III in Health Services Assistance |
Units 1 & 2 Product Design & Technology - Woodwork | Certificate II in Kitchen Operations |
Units 1 & 2 Chemistry | Certificate III in Events |
Units 1 & 2 General Mathematics | Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics |
Units 1 & 2 Visual Communication & Design | Certificate II in Salon Assistant |
Units 1 & 2 Legal Studies | Certificate III in Sport and Recreation |
Units 1 & 2 Mathematical Methods |
Year 10 2022
The Year 10 elective program continues to be designed to support students in making their choices with regard to their senior school pathways. Subjects run for a semester, with students partaking in four for the year. Each subject runs for 10 periods a fortnight. The following Year 10 elective subjects will be running in 2022:
Psych! It's All In Your Head | It Was All An Act |
Sports Coaching and Umpiring | Edge of Your Seat |
The Lego Space Challenge | Fully Booked |
Product Design & Technology | Graphics, Structures and Products |
Mind, Body and Soul | Notorious |
Splat, Snap and Sketch | You Are What You Eat |
Threads, Fashion and Print | The Brink of Extinction |
Year 9 2022
The Year 9 'selective' program is all about engaging students in areas of interest while beginning to get students to think about what they might want to do in senior school. Each student partakes in six selective subjects (three each semester), with each subject running for six periods a fortnight. The following Year 9 elective subjects will be running in 2022:
Around the World in 80 Bites | All Systems Go |
Build a Business | Behind the Lens |
Creative Streaks | Director's Cut |
Eye of a Designer | Español - Myths & Legends |
Extra! Extra! Read All About It | From Kicking Rocks to Making Shots |
Foundations of a Successful Athlete | Gruesome Gods and Goddesses |
Level Up: Game Design & Development | Laser Modelling and Construction |
Partners In Crime | Project 2030 |
Science of Food | The Amazing Race |
Threads, Textures and Fabrics | What a Novel Idea! |
My child hasn't received their subject list?
If your child has not yet received their subject list, please ask them to contact their Year Level Leader. Each sub-school will be able to let your child know about which subjects they will be undertaking.
Kind regards,
Anthony Asta
Leading Teacher - Timetabling & Data