Middle School Report

Well done to all staff and students for a great start to Term 4. Students have shown perseverance and resilience in returning after such a long stint in remote learning.
Middle School would like to thank all the students for the smooth transition back to onsite learning. Overall, we have found the students to be positive and happy about being back in classrooms instead of doing remote learning.
Just a reminder that all students should be wearing their summer school uniform and the PE uniform should only be worn on days they have PE. It is important to continue to wear the school uniform with pride.
Year 7
It has been fantastic to have year seven students return to onsite learning. Students had an extended home group in their first two days on-site where we re-visited school expectations and set some goals for the remainder of the year. We have been very impressed with their seamless transition to school and have been enjoying teaching them face-to-face in the classroom.
Year sevens don’t have too much longer to go of the school year so we will be having a strong focus on continuing to develop and improve in each of their subjects to show their learning growth as well as building their social skills.
Below are some statements from our students about their transition back to onsite learning
“A highlight of my return to school was definitely seeing my friends again after a long time. Something I missed most about face to face school was being social and talking to my peers” - Najma MOHAMED
“Getting back into a productive routine and actually getting to see my peers, friends and teachers” - HEMAL SHARMA
“My highlight of face to face returning back to school is, getting to see all my friends and teachers again. And something I missed the most about face to face school is talking to all my friends while walking to my next class.”- VIVIAN CHAND
Tanele Spiteri
Year 7 Coordinator
Year 8
Year eights are commended on their positive return back to onsite learning. Students have been immersed in their subjects and teachers reported that the cohort has come back settled and excited about their transition back to school. Students have been involved in re- engaging with their peers with a stronger focus on group work and critical and creative thinking tasks in their classes
As we are closer to the end of the school year, students are encouraged to continue with their efforts and commitment to learning. It has been fantastic to see students socialising with their peers and staff. We look forward to continuing involving our students in enriching tasks and activities. For example, the 8H Community Leadership class are currently involved in creating an activity day to engage Year 8 students with school.
Below are some statements from Year 8 students
Zarghona Azizi 8H- ‘I feel soo motivated to do school work again, because it’s fun to be back’
Rayn Khan 8E- ‘I am enjoying being back and hanging out with my friends’.
Joanne James 8E- ‘A highlight has been coming back to see all my friends and doing more exciting tasks at school’.
Sandale Ambegoda
Year 8 Coordinator
Year 9
It has been exciting having our wonderful year 9 students back at school. Students have returned motivated and enthusiastic about learning on site. Students have highlighted that the most exciting part of transitioning back to school has been “catching up with friends and teachers”. Electives continue to be an area of excitement for the year 9 students as they learn and discover new things about their personal interests and start to look towards their year 10 electives and beyond.
As we approach the end of the year, our year 9 students will be preparing for their first school exam experience with the English and Maths exams on December 8th. Students will be working hard leading up to this date to put their best foot forward.
All students are committed to having a strong finish to the 2021 school year.
Chris Menzies
Year 9 Coordinator
On Tuesday 7th December Year 9's will not be required to learn from home and prepare for their Maths and English exams.
Any student's that require supervision on this day are to notify the front office prior to Tuesday 7th December.
Year 9 exams will commence on Wednesday the 8th December.