Principal's Report

Return Onsite Learning
It has been a relief for all to return to onsite learning. I think we all agree that across Victoria school communities have done the best they can throughout the lockdowns and with online learning but it is not the same as being at school with others every day. Although we only have a few weeks left to the end of the year, the teaching staff have continued to adapt plans and curriculum units to provide as many varied activities that enhance learning for the students.
Covid-Safe behaviours
Once more I want to thank all of our families for their caution and diligence in monitoring the health of their children. I am very aware that many schools in our area have continued to have to ask some classes and/or year levels to return to online learning. We have been fortunate for now but we all understand that at any point this can occur for our College. All our students have continued to accept mask wearing in class and we are continuing with hand sanitising. Most importantly, students are staying home or going immediately home if they are unwell. As a community we will need to continue to do this into the future in order to keep schools open as much as possible. Rapid Antigen testing will be introduced to schools over the coming weeks. Schools will only be taking part if there is a confirmed case onsite. This program will enable unvaccinated or partially vaccinated primary close contacts to return to school after 7 days instead of 14 days. The tests will be free to families if this occurs. This will be only for families who would like to participate. There will be more information about this in the future.
Settling back into Routines
Both Middle and Senior school teams have focussed on reteaching and reminding students of the high expectations at the College both for learning and behaviour. Across the whole College the "First Five, Last Five" are implemented to encourage a readiness to learn and social responsibility. I have included the graphic which is communicated to students for you to view.
Teaching and Learning 2022
During the first half of Term 4 I have continued to recruit staff ready for the 2022 academic year. We currently will welcome 28 new teaching staff across many different subject areas. These teachers are required to cover the increasing enrolments we are experiencing at the College which includes 11 more home groups at Year 7.
As well as this the College offers many internal leadership positions for current staff. We have completed this process and I am very proud to announce the following:
- English Instructional Leader – Leah Roach
- Maths Instructional Leader – no appointment
- Science Instructional leader – Tiffani Meier
- Humanities Instructional leader – Chloe Morley
- PE/Health Instructional leader – Michael Agosta
- Language Instructional Leader - Nadia La Macchia
- Curriculum Instructional Leader- Senior School (VCE/VCAL) – Angela Salter
- EAL Instructional Leader – Viktorija Nikolovskak
- Inclusive Education Instructional Leader – Nancy D’Aspromante
- Science Assistant Instructional Leader – Nicole Tambourini
- Humanities Assistant Instructional Leader – Eliza Rodriguez
- PE/Health Program Assistant Instructional Leader – Rebecca Stamkovski
- House Leader – Rebecca Stamkovski
- Student Voice and Agency Leader – Maddie Charisis
- Year 7 Coordinator -11 – Tanele Spiteri
- Year 8 Coordinator – 11 – Tamara Youkhanis
- Year 9 Coordinator – 9 – Chris Menzies
- Year 10 Coordinator – 8 – Sam Ritter
- no Year 11 Coordinator required for 2022
- Interschool Sport Coordinator- 4 – Brad Little
Stage 2 Buildings - Completion
There has been some delays to the completion of the Learning Neighbourhood building and the Performing Arts Centre. These delays will be overcome so that the buildings can be finished by the end of this year ready for Term 1, 2022. All classroom furniture and equipment for Art, Food and Media rooms have been ordered and ready to go.
We have postponed the School Celebration Event - it will now be held on Friday 11 Feb 2022. We will be inviting all our families to come into the College after school and view the new buildings and completed grounds. I know that this is something that everyone is keen to see happen!
Upcoming Events
The College will be going ahead with some key events this term following COVID safe procedures. All adult visitors who visit the College must QR code in and show evidence of vaccination. With these parameters we will be going ahead with:
Year 6 into 7 Information Evening - Tuesday 30 November
Two session 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm
State Wide Transition Day - Tuesday 7 December
Awards Evening - invitation only
Thursday 9 December
School Celebration - Friday 11 February 2022
I would like to also thank the regular parents and staff who have been meeting with me to plan the School Celebration Event - Mary Timotheou; Natalie Hall, Nicole Shead , Trish Bennett; and Maria Cuzzupe.
Jo Camozzato