Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning 

"It's critical: Seek first to understand, then to be understood” ~ Steven Covey

At the end of last term, I sent all families a letter to confirm the academic learning program for students in 2022. Many parents and students attended interviews to discuss subject selection and how a learning pathway might support their child’s interests and career aspirations. It is important that parents are kept informed of all discussions in relation to a student’s program and likewise we are keen to hear from families about how we can best support their child’s needs. 

A key part of the interview process and in all that we do as teachers is to engage in listening to our students and out parents. Listening, that is real, deep listening is not something that we can ‘turn on’ in a conversation. It is a skill we must practise and prioritise in all our relationships at work, school, and life.

Shyam Barr, educator and consultant, suggests that there are several key questions we should consider when we turn our attention to Deep Listening.

  1. What if we took a moment to collect our thoughts before diving in to share our opinion?
  2. Would the people we were listening to feel more valued?
  3. Would our response be better (and arguably more meaningful?)?
  4. If the response was better, would more people be likely to listen?

These questions serve as provocations for us all. It is vital that the partnership between students, teachers and parents reflects clear and timely communication. I take this opportunity to remind who you can contact about your child’s learning program.

Middle Years: Mrs Julia Winter-Cooke

Senior Years: Miss Helen Reiher

VCE Studies: Mrs Rebekah Bonnett

Careers: Mrs Alison Churchill


Listening is an art. Let’s seek first to understand and listen as we learn together.


Susan Bradbeer

Deputy Principal of Teaching and Learning


Bonjour à tous, 

In the last couple of weeks in the French Department, we have had the pleasure and pride to see four students completing their VCE oral examination. Congratulations to Chloe Lyons, Grace Austin, Lacey Herbertson and Eren Zehir who completed the first part of their final VCE French examination. They prepared and shared in a conversation, information on the works of the famous French nineteenth century author Jules Verne about environmental issues and the positive use of submarines in the Indo-Pacific region. 

Learning languages is a fun and challenging undertaking and what better way to do it than with films. Another keen amphibious device enthusiast was the explorer and conservationist, Jacques Cousteau. May I suggest you watch the film The Odyssey currently available on SBS on demand. A fascinating depiction of his life and work as a strong advocate for the protection of the oceans around the world. 



Julien Guez

Head of French

Language learning and opportunities continued through the RLP. In Term Three, both Year 8 and Year 9 Chinese classes had a cooking lesson online. Also, Year 3-6 students experienced their online Chinese lessons and demonstrated their enthusiasm through the screen. On 10 September, Harry Croft (Year 7), Annabel O'Toole (Year 8) and Hannah Croft (Year 9) represented College in the 2021 Reading Competition held by the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria. The competition was designed for non-background learners, attracting hundreds of candidates from tens of schools in Victoria. Young Chinese learners gathered to compete and also celebrate their efforts of learning Chinese - one of the hardest languages in the world. Well done to Harry, Annabel and Hannah for their amazing efforts.


Two weeks ago, Year 12 Chinese Second Language students finished their VCE oral examination. Michael Crowle and Justin Lee did it face to face in Geelong and Yong An Ly did it by telephone in Cambodia. They did a fifteen-minute interview talking about themselves and the cultural artefacts they studied including dumplings, a Chinese Kung Fu master and a Tang Dynasty poet. Congratulations to the boys on their performances!


Finally, are you aware a new drama series about the gold rush period showing on SBS? Titled “New Gold Mountain”, this latest TV program depicts the old story from a Chinese perspective and vividly portrays the time and the cultures at this time.


Pei Tseng