Mass of Remembrance

On Saturday 13 November 2021 at 10am, the Mass of Remembrance was livestreamed once again from the Chapel due to COVID -19 restrictions.
Only those involved with the mass were allowed to attend, but over 270 people have watched the Mass online both at the time and afterwards via YouTube.
The Mass is still available to view on demand.
During the Mass, Alumnae Association Co-President Steph Quinn, acknowledged the challenges of the present moment and answered with a message of being present for each other.
The COVID - 19 pandemic and its impact on our ability to be physically present, to sit with, touch, hold, hug one another in sharing our tears, laughter, stories and tributes, has for many, exacerbated the sorrow, anguish, loneliness and grief often evoked by death. We have been challenged to find other ways to be
present and give solace, peace and hope to the dying and those whose lives they have touched.
In the spirit of Cor Unum let us be present for one another as we reflect upon and give thanks for those we remember and for whom we offer this Mass today.
At the Mass, there was a candle lit for each of the deceased RSCJ, alumnae and friends of Sacré Cœur.
Those we remembered
The members of our community we remembered and the Mass Booklet can be found here:
Please contact Melinda Adamsif you would like a hard copy of the Mass Booklet sent to you.
Our heartfelt appreciation to all those who worked together to bring the Mass of Remembrance together, in particular to those who led us in prayer and music:
- Father Stephen Fletcher MGL
- Rebecca Long (Events Co-ordinator and alumnae 1990)
- Adrian Russell, Pianist
- Jade Hutchinson, 2022 Music Captain
Remembering Past Alumnae
This year, the Mass of Remembrance booklet included a list of names of all Alumnae who have passed away .
We would appreciate your help to ensure that the list is not missing any Alumnae members.
If you have any queries or Alumnae names to add, please contact
Marian Andrews (Kaestner 1980)
Phone: 9835 2776