College House System

Sonya Tamos

Lilydale Heights College has a House system where all students are allocated into one of four Houses. Over the year they have the opportunity to participate in various activities and earn points for the coveted House of the year.

Sporting events held include the whole school Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country Carnival as well as interschool sports and lunch time events. We compete in the Yarra Group Interschool sports competition held through term 1 to term 3. These sports include volleyball, baseball, softball, tennis, basketball, badminton, cricket, soccer, football, netball, and hockey.

For the first time this year, students will receive points whenever they are awarded green chronicle posts by their teacher, Learning Leader/Liaisons or a member of the Principal team. Students will also receive points for participation in extra curricular events. All of these points are collated to determine who will win the House Cup. 


Our House names were derived from the following:



Name derived from the Olinda Creek from where the future site of the Lilydale township was first seen.



Named after the family De Castella who were first to settle the Lilydale area.



Named after Dame Nellie Melba, the famous opera singer who was born in the area, lived her later years in Coldstream and is buried in the cemetery across from the school.



Named after the indigenous inhabitants of the Lilydale area, the Yarra Yarra Tribe.