School Information

General Office
Office Hours: 8:00am – 4.20pm
Telephone: 9735 1133
The General Office is always the first point of contact for families and visitors when attending the College or making contact with staff or students during school hours.
Appointments with staff must be made via telephone or email.
Student Absences
Parents/Guardians should report student absences to the College before 9am via the parent portal on Compass, or by contacting the College absence line on 9735 1133. Given the convenience and security of the Compass portal, this is the preferred method.
Late arrival/Early departure from school.
In order to maximise learning for all students and to minimise disruption to classes, students are expected to be at school by 8.30am. The locker bell will ring at 8.45am and students are expected to be in class, ready to learn by 8.50am.
It is sometimes unavoidable that students are late for school. If you are aware that your child is going to be late, please provide them with a written note explaining their absence. Upon arrival at school, the student must go straight to the General office, present their written note to reception and then sign in on the Compass Kiosk.
Where a parent requires the student to leave the school premises early, a written note with the reason and the time the student is required to leave must be provided. If a student is to leave early, they must go to the General Office before school and present their written note to reception. The student will then be given an Early Leavers Pass. At the time of their departure, the student will need to go to the General Office, present their Early Leavers Pass and sign out using the Compass Kiosk.
It is compulsory for all students to wear the complete uniform whilst at the College and travelling to and from. It is expected that uniform is worn according to the Uniform Policy and is maintained in a tidy manner at all times.
Our uniform is supplied by PSW
Their retail store is located at Unit 8A, 51 Lusher Road, Croydon.
Phone: 9768 0336
Please check their store location page for trading hours.
Bus Information
A large percentage of students catch the bus to and from the College each day. The College is serviced by a full network of school contract and public buses from a diverse range of areas in the Yarra Valley and from the nearby metropolitan areas and this is used by many students at the College.
Information on bus services can be found here.
Student drop off and pick up
Between the hours of 8am – 9.30am and 2.30pm and 4pm, Nelson Road is a one way street. Please be mindful of this when dropping/picking up students from school. School car parks should not be used as a drop off/pick up area.
Lilydale Heights College provides daily canteen service for students at recess and lunchtime. The College Canteen is always a hive of activity, with a wide range of fresh food and tasty treats.
The College Canteen is open from 10.00am until 2.00pm.
Information on Canteen Service & Menu
College Policies
To access our various College Policies, please following this link : Student Information and Policies
College Vision and Values
Lilydale Heights College is a fully inclusive learning community which enables students to become successful lifelong learners and confident global citizens.
The core purpose is underpinned by three core values.
Excellence: Challenging yourself to achieve your best
Respect: Respecting yourself, others and our environment
Responsibility: Being accountable for all your actions
Lilydale Heights College
Principal: Shane Kruger
Assistant Principals: Isabella Phillips, Tim Wright
Business Manager: Tracey Green
College Council President: Cathy Skinner
Leadership Team:
Michelle Gaudion – Year 7 Learning Leader
Jacob DeKunder – Year 8 Learning Leader
Ashlea Gell – Year 9 Learning Leader
Daniella Gentile – Year 10 Learning Leader
Emma Steeper – Senior School Learning Leader
Matthew Smith – Leader of Teaching & Learning (Acting)
Emily Gerson – Leader of Student Engagement & Wellbeing
Tim Chapman – Literacy Learning Specialist
Jodie Smith – Numeracy Learning Specialist
Shannon Sargeant – Sustainability Learning Specialist