School Leaders Presentation

Friday 3rd February

Green Team- Danyal B & Shaylen L
Performing Arts- Ava A & Jessica D
Languages - Emali L & Justin L
SRC - Aaron B & Sean C
Health & Wellbeing- Dantha M & Pavanya T
Visual Arts - Josephine W & Samantha H
Shepherd House - Chris M & Nina N
School Captains - Hannah L & Isaac L
ICT - Soham M & Vinay P
Gallagher - Young B & Toby U
McIntosh - Samitha S & Leo S
STEAM - Emma W & Kevin Z
Townsend - Yenul S & Oscar H
Green Team- Danyal B & Shaylen L
Performing Arts- Ava A & Jessica D
Languages - Emali L & Justin L
SRC - Aaron B & Sean C
Health & Wellbeing- Dantha M & Pavanya T
Visual Arts - Josephine W & Samantha H
Shepherd House - Chris M & Nina N
School Captains - Hannah L & Isaac L
ICT - Soham M & Vinay P
Gallagher - Young B & Toby U
McIntosh - Samitha S & Leo S
STEAM - Emma W & Kevin Z
Townsend - Yenul S & Oscar H


Facility - Mikayla C & Caspar L were absent. 


On Friday 3rd February at our whole school assembly the 2023 student leaders were presented with their leadership badges. 


The Mount View school Leadership team includes:

* School Captain and Vice Captains

* House Captains - Shepherd, McIntosh, Townsend and Gallagher

* Facility Captains

* Health and Wellbeing Captains

* Performing Art Captains

* Visual Arts Captains

* SRC Captains

* Green Team Captains


Congratulations to all the student leaders, we look forward in seeing how the students display their leadership skills this year by:

- respecting school rules and values

- displaying good communication skills with both peers and adults

- assisting in the facilitation and smooth running of whole school events

- contribute their view point on whole school related issues with the school's leadership team

- being a good role-model for other students

- facilitating and leading whole school assemblies

- running lunchtime programs for other students

- representing Mount View at out of school events


Bianca Gatherum

Assistant Principal