Principal's Message

I encourage all parents and carers within the Mount View community to regularly access our official communication streams. Communications between the school and the community members is carried out through Compass, iNewsletter and Year Level Newsletters.
The iNewsletter is published fortnightly and its purpose is to celebrate students’ successes, notify the community of upcoming events and to advertise community agencies and support groups, sporting clubs and extra-curricular programs. The iNewsletter is sent to all subscribers. The link for subscription to the iNewsletter is sent to all parents and carers via Compass.
The Compass platform is used to communicate all the up-to-date information to parents and messages are sent via email. Compass is also used for attendance, notifications, school appointments, record keeping and reporting.
The Year Level Newsletters are published each term. These convey information and celebrations of the achievements within each year level. The Specialist teachers may also utilise this format to communication with parents about the scope and range of the specific programs.
Curriculum Days
School Council have approved the three remaining Curriculum Days for 2023. These are all student free days:
Monday, 8 May – Adam Voigt – ‘Real Schools’
Monday, 2 October – PYP Concepts
Friday, 17 November– Assessment
Professional Practice Days
All teachers and educational support staff members are allotted two Professional Practice Days each year. One of these days is a whole school student free day:
Whole School – AIP Priorities - Thursday, 1 June
Individual PPDs - Happen throughout the year with the agreement of each staff member and the Principal. Student attendance is not affected by these days as the school covers the absence of each teacher.
Fundraising Activities – Parents Community Teams
Please put these dates in your calendar
- End of Term Sausage Sizzle – Week 9 Friday 31st March
- Second Hand Uniform Sale – Week 6 Friday 10th March
- Easter Raffle – ½ for school and ½ donated to community – 80 smaller hampers as student prizes
School and Community Events
Please put these dates in your calendar. Action teams will be formed later on in preparation for these events.
Art Show – 13th,14th and 15th July
Twilight Carnival – Friday 24 November
Please let me know if you would like to be kept in the information loop at
Term Dates
Term 1 30 January – 6 April
Term 2 24 April – 23 June
Term 3 10 July – 15 September
Term 4 2 October – 20 December
STEAM Resource Technician
Mount View Primary School is looking to employ a STEAM Resource Technician to manage the resources in our STEAM Hub. The job will be for two days per week with the work being done in three-hour sessions: a total of six hours per week. The pay rate is the ES1 casual rate of $36.76 per hour. To apply please send a written resume of no more than two pages to
The vacancy closes on Friday 10 March at 3 pm.
A selection panel will consider the resumes, shortlist for interview and then recommend a successful candidate. The appointment will commence of 17 March.
School Council Nominations 2023
The Mount View community has been notified of the School Council Nomination process via Compass. This year we have three vacancies for the Parent Member Category. Please complete your nominations as early as possible.
Year 5 Camp – Coonawarra
Next week all of Year 5 will be attending the school camp at Coonawarra. We wish all students and staff members a wonderful experience at this exciting camp.
My Schools Website
Earlier this week there was a great deal of discussion in the media regarding school performance in NAPLAN relative to the school’s demographics. Please follow the link below to view the My Schools platform and, in particular, the performance of Mount View.
A review of the report indicates that over time Mount View students in Years 3 and 5 have performed above average in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation and well above average in Numeracy. These are pleasing results and indicate that the school’s focus on these learning areas will continue to see improved student performance.
Glenn Butler