From the Principal

It has been a very busy fortnight here at STM. The students have settled in to their new routines so well, we are very proud of them. I hope you enjoy this edition of the newsletter.
Ash Wednesday:
Mass will be celebrated at 12pm on Wednesday. All are welcome!!!
Parent/Teacher Interviews:
Just a reminder that Parent Teacher interviews will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday (21st and 22nd). A School Stream was sent out on Monday with information on how to register for an interview. Please see the information below.
Dear families,
Next week on Tuesday the 21/02/2023 and Wednesday the 22/02/2023 we will be having Parent Teacher interviews.
This is more of a get to know you session for both parents and classroom teachers. Appointments will run for approximately 10minutes, if you require additional time please contact your classroom teacher before booking.
Students with a PSG are welcome to make an appointment though this is not mandatory.
Please see below link to book your appointment.
Head Lice:
Please make sure you check your child for head lice. We have had a few students who have received treatment for the condition.
Sibling Enrolment Forms:
On Monday we sent Enrolment packs home to those families who we believe have children (siblings) attending prep next year. If this is the case, please fill out the forms and return them to the office by April. Any questions please see Ash in the office.
School Closure Day:
Our first school closure day of the year will be Friday 3rd of March. The staff will be undertaking some professional development. The school will be closed on this day.
The start of the school year always brings new problems and things to consider, one thing I have noticed in the carpark (both drop off in the morning, and also the community car park) is parents and community members not following directions. In the morning there is to be NO OVERTAKING. This includes cars who are driving to park and walk their children into school. In the afternoon, the carpark rules in the Woolworths/Library carpark are to be adhered to, this also means parents MUST use the crossing when walking their children across the road. We also strongly ask parents to walk up to the school to collect their children rather than asking the children to cross over the crossing.
3/4 Camp to Sovereign Hill:
Our Year 3/4 camp is fast approaching. An Operoo has been sent out with more information around logistics and important dates. There was an error in the fee schedule sent out to families. The cost for the 3/4 camp this year is $350 and the 5/6 camp is $210.
The main reason for this is the 3/4 camp is a 3 day, 2 night camp which requires buses for transportation and the 5/6 city camp is only a 2 day, 1 night camp and the train is used to transport students.
Tarnia from the office will contact impacted families who have already started paying fees. There will be a Parent info night about camp on Tuesday 28th of Feb at 7pm (this will be a zoom meeting. Link to be shared closer to the date).
Packing list for camp:
Swimming Carnival
Check out these awesome photos from our Swimming Carnival. Thanks Mrs Wicks for all your organisation and also thank you to our parent helpers. Much fun was had, it was a beautiful day.
Commitment to Child Safety:
Please see attached the CECV's (Catholic Education Commission of Victoria) commitment to Child Safety in schools. Each school must have a range of measures in place to meet the 11 Child Safety Standards.
Production 2023!
The Reluctant Dragon - by Katherine Schultz Miller
Widget and his pal Hairytoes (our heroes) discover a dragon lurking in a cave. Their secret is exposed by the neighbourhood bullies. Suddenly the entire town is whipped into a fury and the cry goes up: Slay the dragon!!
King Fancy Pants summons the Great Saint George to do the deed! The only problem is, Mortimer the dragon is friendly. Our heroes love him and are desperate to save his life. So they travel to the Master Guru on the Mountain, who teaches them how to train their dragon for battle!
Old Folks of the Valley tell the story and keep the action flowing to the big moment! Lovable Mortimer learns to put on a good show for the Villagers. His battle with Saint George is tremendous excitement for performers and audience who join in the fun. It's a hilarious story that will have you cheering for the dragon and his pals!
HATS: We are a SUNSMART school
Hats are to be worn during play times during terms 1 and 4. If a student is not wearing a school hat they will be asked to play in the shade. Year 6 students can wear their baseball caps on Wednesday's, but must wear the normal wide brim hat on all other days. In Term 4, Year 6 students are able to wear the Baseball cap everyday.
2023 Tuition Fees & Levies:
Please note there is an error on this form. The 3/4 camp is $350 and the 5/6 camp will be $210. The main reason for this is the 3/4 camp is a 3 day, 2 night camp which requires buses for transportation and the 5/6 city camp is only a 2 day, 1 night camp and the train is used to transport students.
Thank you, take care and God Bless