School Improvement Update

By Melissa Treverton

Landscaping works

We have completed our staff and student consultation process for the landscaping works in the old C wing area, to the east of the new Junior Learning Centre.

The priorities identified for this space were :

  • Active spaces (downball)
  • Passive spaces (seating areas)
  • Learning spaces (Amphitheatre style)
  • Shade – a combination of evergreen trees and shade structures

With consideration to this feedback, our architects have developed a plan that will tie in with the main courtyard landscaping and complete the central link for all school buildings. 



During the landscaping phase of our build there are limited shade options in the yard.  We have made the following accommodations to ensure students can seek shade when desired.

  • On days of extreme heat we are opening classroom spaces as an alternate location during lunchtime.
  • Library is open at lunchtime
  • Outdoor tables have been moved to shaded areas
  • Students are being reminded to carry their water bottle with them to class.

Sunscreen is available at first aid and all Year Level Coordinators offices for students wishing to reapply during the day.

We also encourage staff and students to wear hats and sunglasses when outside.