Instrumental Music

By Kylie De Niese

Instrumental Music Department


The year has started strong with enrolments in Piano, Voice, Guitar and Drum students. 

There are still places left to sign up if interested in these instruments. There are also spots available for Saxophone, Flute and Clarinet.

If anyone is still wanting to sign up for lessons, please head to the school website at, choose the Extra Curricular drop box then click Instrumental Music. Hit the Apply Here button, fill out the google form and we can get your child onto the timetable.


Trial lessons are also available for anyone who thinks they want to learn an instrument but are unsure of how the lessons work. If you would like to have a trial lesson, please visit Miss de Niese in the music office to organise this.

Upcoming events:

Gnome and Fairy Festival


The annual Rotary Club of Mordialloc Gnome and Fairy Festival is being held on Sunday March 19th and our instrumental program is a big part of this day.

We have music performances, we run the face painting stall, we help Rotary Club with the gnome painting stall and we also are in charge of the fairy floss machine (the most important job)!

It is a fabulous day and we would love to see all instrumental students attending as it is a good fundraising event for our program.

Signup sheets are outside PA2 or please speak to Miss de Niese about signing up or if you have any questions about the event. 

Looking forward to another successful festival and to see you all there helping out on a stall or performing for our community.