Assistant Principal Report Senior School 

By Michael Tuck

Senior School News February 2023


Welcome back to all of our senior students and their families.  A special welcome to our new students and families who have joined our college this year, we look forward to getting to know you as the year progresses. Classes are now settled and it has been pleasing to see students positively engaging in lessons and around the school.


Year 10 – 12 Information evenings have been held across weeks 2 – 5, thank you to those parents and student in attendance.  These are our first onsite information evenings for some time and we hope to have more events with parents onsite, during the course of the year.


Our first whole school assembly was held in Week 2 where our 2023 leaders were officially inducted and received their badges.  Year 12 students also received the highly coveted year 12 badge and we formally recognised our 2022 Dux Samantha Butel.  Samantha addressed the assembly encouraging our current year 12 students to make the most of the year with friends, but to also remember that the hard work studying will pay off if you are willing to put it in.


It was an exciting start for year 12 students with the year 12 jumpers arriving in record time. Students are very proud of the new look jumper and it has proved a popular look with the wider staff and student body.  Year 12 camp will be held 4 – 6 April (last week of term) and it is important that students return all required forms and payment is made by the deadlines provided. 


Term One is a busy term for events in the senior school, beginning with Swimming Sports next week. This is great day out with students being able to compete in events, both competitive and novelty, and spend time with friends.  I encourage all senior students to dress up in house colours and enjoy the day.  Year 11 students will be participating in the Futures program running parallel to the year 12 camp.  Futures is a valuable addition to the year 11 program including tertiary institution visits, driver education and guest speakers. Parent/teacher interviews will also be held 28 March.  Please look out for information relating to these important activities.