Student Leader News

Hello everyone, my name is Cooper and I'm one of the school leaders from St. Michael's 2023. I’m 11 years old and I'm the youngest of three kids. My favourite thing to play is soccer. My favourite team is Real Madrid from Spain. I hope that I can help all the kids in the yard if they have problems or if they are hurt. I’m here to help the teachers if needed

I hope that I can help all the year 4/5 children to become good leaders for next year. I hope all the new people or preps are welcome and will enjoy the time here. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.


Hello everyone my name is Lucy and I am one of the two School Leaders. I am the eldest of five siblings which already gave me lots of responsibilities from an early age. I like painting and writing. It helps with my creativity and I can do whatever I want in a blank canvas and my favourite sport is basketball. I play it at school most of the time. I have so many ideas this year and I’m so excited to bring them to the school. I will make sure I am a good role model for the younger grades.   


Hello, My name is Levi and I'm 12 years old. I have been here since grade 4 and I am a Digital Technology leader and I like to play guitar but i'm not very good at it yet but 

I want to get better. I like to play chess as well as tennis. I like coding on scratch 

I am quite good at coding and I have made a few games I do not play video games

I believe that I could help the school with computers and ipads.

I think my position as a School Leader makes me feel more confident and happy to have a great role! 


My name is James and I am a Digital Technology Leader of St Michael’s North Melbourne Catholic Primary School this year. I am currently eleven years old. I am very interested in coding and origami. In my spare time I like to play badminton and tennis.

This year I am excited to be a Digital Technology Leader and a productive yet useful member of the school society. I want to take care of all the computers and other devices in the school. I also want to encourage people to do more coding. Me and Levi, the other Digi-Tech Leader, want to fund the school with more technology such as 3D printers and better computers. We might even host a coding club during breaks at school.

I hope I can be a great Digi-tech Leader of St Michael’s this year. I hope we can all do better in the Digi-Tech subject.


Hello, my name is David and I’m one of the Sustainability leaders of St. Michael’s school for   2023. I love to play soccer but I don’t have a soccer club and I’m trying to find one but there is no soccer club near my house. I’m looking forward to making kids have fun and I want to be a responsible leader. When a student or a teacher has a problem I will help them as much as possible. I hope I can make the year prep to year 5 to be respectful and responsible like us.


Hello, My name is Ross from 5/6A. I am one of St Michael's Primary School, I like to play basketball and chess, and yes i do play video games of course.. I am also one of the Sustainability leaders. Year 6 has been amazing to me and so far I'm loving it! My hopes for St Michael's Primary School are to make St Michael's a Sustainable place to learn. Another thing I hope for at St Michaels is that everyone can be more Sustainable and that's all from me now.


Hello, my name is Valiah, I am 11 years old and I'm one of the School Leaders for 2023. I am a Social Justice Leader with Ahana. I enjoy dancing and singing and I love playing Basketball, but growing up I had knee problems, so when I did either ballet or gymnastics I couldn’t because of my problems! I believe that with my strengths as a Social Justice leader I believe that Ahana and I can make a difference in our school community. For the future I hope that the juniors can look up to us and reflect to make better choices for themselves as soon many of them will become grade ⅚’s. As for myself I know that for the rest of the year, Ahana and I will be better leaders and make good choices for the people around us. If either student has a problem they can always look out for Ahana or I.

I appreciate Denise for believing in me, I hope that the students,teachers/staff and parents have a great 2023!


Hello, I’m Ahana and I am 2023’s social justice leader with Valiah. I really love to draw and design things, for example clothing and characters in my sketchbook. I enjoy swimming, backstroke is one of my favourite strokes to do in swimming. In 2023, I want to help new students and the current students of St.Michaels to feel safe and like they belong at this school. I want them to feel like they are heard and they have people that can hear their ideas. I will also assist teachers if they need any assistance.

I am proud to be able to have this role and I believe that I can help people and myself in reaching the heights we never thought we could!