The College has a very active Parents and Friends Association. The Association organises a number of events throughout the year to enable parents to meet and socialise. This group also raises funds to provide extra teaching aids and equipment, grounds development and other amenities that support the pastoral and educational needs of our students. Each family is invited to make a voluntary financial contribution each year and to support special fundraising events.
Meetings are held at 7:00pm on the second Monday of each month in the Staff Room. All parents and caregivers are invited to attend.
Each year the College provides an opportunity to add your name/email/phone number to a voluntary Year Group parent contact list.
The contact list is particularly useful for Year 7 parents and new families when students make so many new friends. CLICK HERE to add your details to the YEAR 7 list by Friday 24 February. If you are already on a Year Group list 8 - 12, you do not need to re-register.
Please contact our Parent Engagement Coordinator, Liza Baskovich if you would like to change your contact details or add your details as a new family to the College in Years 8 - 12.
Once collated, the updated lists for 2023 will then be distributed digitally to each parent/guardian for the convenience of being able to contact parents of students in that year group. Please keep in mind that this list should be used for college purposes only.
Mrs Liza Baskovich
Parent Engagement Coordinator