Library News

Mrs Heather Vassila

Thank you to all the students who have already enjoyed borrowing this year. It has been such a pleasure seeing all our students in library. Please don’t forget all children come to the library on a Monday this year.


If children have not finished a book and would like to re-borrow it, please still have them return their book on Monday so it can easily be reborrowed for another week. Attaching a post-it note to the book indicating child’s name and class makes reborrowing a very simple process.


Library Bags


Library bags are important, ensuring our books are protected from damage and also ensure that the correct books go home to the right child.


We have some reusable generic library bags that can be borrowed from our library if children forget their own library bag. If your child/ren brings one of these bags home, please return it the next week with their own library bag. Thank you.


Happy Reading!


Mrs Vassila - Teacher Librarian