Spotlight on Learning

Stage 1



What a fun and jam-packed first few weeks KR have had at school! All students have settled so well into our school routines and are quickly learning our school values and expectations. 


KR have enthusiastically participated in InitiaLit lessons, where they have been exploring rhyming words, syllable counting and beginning to learn letter sounds. Students are carefully practising writing their names and writing simple sentences accompanied by a drawing, using correct pencil grip, capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 


In Maths, KR have been using number tracks and unifix blocks, playing bingo and our write and wipe sleeves to develop their counting and number recognition. Students have also been playing games using dice to practise quickly recognising dot patterns. 


Students have enjoyed creating their own name artworks whilst also developing their fine motor skills through cutting and pasting. 


It has been wonderful to witness all students attending school each day with a smile and we look forward to a year full of exciting and new learning experiences in KR! 

Miss Raj - KR Classroom Teacher and Relieving Assistant Principal


Stage 2

3J students have settled in well into the new routines and experiences that Stage 2 has to offer. 


In writing, we have been focusing on imaginative writing, with students enjoying the magic of writing compelling and engaging narratives. Students are now recognising the importance of a drafting a plan before writing, to help ensure they are following the correct structure of a narrative. 3J are also developing their ability to use adjectives and adverbs to add more depth and interest to their writing. 

In maths, students have been learning about place value. 3J have been using expanded notation and partitioning to express whole numbers. Activities utilising manipulatives (such as our MAB blocks, dice, numeral expanders), as well as engaging in collaborative group work have helped students problem solve and consolidate their learning. Students are also now exploring flexible ways to add and subtract numbers, such as the jump and split strategies. 


Students have been excited to work on their Learning Journey slides, with each student now having an English and Maths goal to work towards. 3J have also enjoyed increasing their technology skills on the computers! Over the next few weeks, students will be updating their slides with evidence of their progression towards their goals. 


There also continues to be new experiences outside the classroom, with Year 3 students partaking in their first trip to Dence Park for the annual swimming carnival. Students were also involved in their first Year 3-6 assembly under the new cola. 


Keep up the great work 3J and I look forward to your continued success!


Miss Jacob - 3J Classroom Teacher

Stage 3

Since the start of the term, 5J students have immersed themselves into their learning, showing character, conscientious work ethic and an eagerness to learn.  

 In mathematics we explored whole numbers and worked out easy ways of finding prime numbers, multiples and factors. We also tackled differentiated Matharoo problem solving with questions that are topic and time related, making it fun to learn.  


Our reading focus for the week has been on inferential meaning in text and images, using the process of drawing conclusions through evidence observed. Students enthusiastically analysed a variety of images, finding evidence, background knowledge and inference clues in thought-provoking pictures.  


With NAPLAN around the corner in March, we are introducing new concepts for Stage 3 and revisiting content for reading and comprehension, language conventions and numeracy. Our typing and technology skills continue to develop and improve as students write intriguing imaginative texts.  


We thoroughly enjoyed our swimming carnival on Monday and there was fantastic support for our classmates who participated in swimming races. Our students cheered their friends on for taking part in the swimming events. 


It was a great pleasure and privilege to meet so many parents at the Meet the Teacher evening last Thursday evening! I am looking forward to discussing each student’s progress individually with their individual families soon.  


Mrs Janssen - 5J Classroom Teacher