Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones

Dear Parents and Carers


It has been a great start to the school year and I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for the ongoing support from our school community in getting your children to school on time. I have also noticed the standard of our school uniform each morning at the gate. It is wonderful to see the school uniform being worn with such pride. It looks fantastic and sets a positive tone for our school.


Meet the teacher

I would like to thank all of the families who attended our recent Meet the Teacher event. The new format was a huge success, and it was wonderful to see so many families staying and connecting with one another. It is important that we continue to build strong relationships between home and school to support your child's learning journey. Thank you to the many P&C volunteers who did a great job on the BBQ!


Swimming Carnival

Our Swimming Carnival was a resounding success! The students showed great enthusiasm and sportsmanship, and it was fantastic to see them cheering each other on. Congratulations to all of the students who participated, and to the staff and parents who supported the event.



This year we have moved our assembly start time to 2.30pm each Thursday. By doing this, it has helped our learning session after lunch. It should also be at a more parent/carer friendly time where there is not as long between the end of assembly and the end of the school day. Some assemblies will be under the new cola and some assemblies will be in the hall depending on the conditions. Parents and carers are always welcome to attend. 


Please see below for the week to week schedule for assemblies this term: 

Week 5 (23rd  February) – Whole school assembly

Week 6 (2nd March) – 3-6 assembly

Week 7 (9th March) -  K-2 assembly

Week 8 (16th March) – 3-6 assembly

Week 9 (23rd March) – K-2 assembly

Week 10 (30th March) – Whole school assembly

Week 11 (6th April)– No assembly due to Easter Hat Parade



To keep up with the life of the school, please read every section of our newsletter. Our newsletter is a vital source of information about events, important dates, and news from around the school. By reading each section, you can stay informed and up-to-date on everything that is happening at our wonderful school. We encourage parents to take the time to read through the newsletter carefully and to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


See you at the school gate 😊