PFA Update
Annalie Darlington
PFA Update
Annalie Darlington
Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a fantastic summer break, catching up with families and friends.
I hope the return to school has been equally exciting, despite the return of lunch box making!
We are starting to plan the PFA events for this year, so keep an eye on comms for dates to add to your diary. We will aim to confirm these early next week. Our first event for the year was the Prep Parent BooHoo WooHoo on Thursday, and it was a great start, with record ticket numbers sold. Thanks to Sophie, Heather, Sarah and Dee for pulling the event together. I am sure it will be the start of some beautiful friendships!
We will start our Friday icy poles next Friday, this will be run by some of the grade 6 parents and supported by some grade 6 helpers. Remember to pop a dollar in your kids bag.