Junior School

Prep BW  1/2PB  1/2NP

Prep News

Congratulations to our new preps and families for reaching halfway through Term 1! We are so proud of how the students have transitioned into routines and expectations in

 school and they are so excited to learn and get involved every day.


In Literacy, our focus has been building the foundation reading and writing skills. We have been practising the difference between the alphabet letter names and sounds, sounding o

ut words and writing the sounds that we hear in a word.


In Numeracy, our focus has been connecting each number to its name and the number of objects it represents. We have also been practising our number formation and counting to and from 20.


In Inquiry, we are exploring History, Respectful Relationships and Social Skills/School Routines. In History, we have been learning about family structures and we have linked this to Respectful Relationships where we have discussed our trusted people and how/when to ask for help. In Social Skills and School Routines, we have talked about personal bubbles and respecting our friends’ space as well as whole body listening.


1/2 News

It's been an amazing start to the year with all of the students well settled and ready to

 learn every day! 


We started the term writing narratives and in particular Fairy Tales. Students have developed their characters and setting, worked out a problem and solution and used lots of adjectives and adverbs to make their writing really interesting for the reader. When reading, students have been thinking about the 5Ws - who, what, when, where and how? 


We started the year working on place value in maths. Students made numbers with MAB and expanded numbers using place value charts. We have started learning about the

 seasons and the months of the year and are moving into addition.


History is our inquiry topic. We have been sent lots of photos from families of relatives in the 1900s all the way to the 2000s! If you have any photos you would like to add to our collection, please email them or send them with your child and we will copy them and send them home. We have also been bucket fillers - more to come about that later!