Middle years update

Returning to School, Excellence and Connections 


The return to school for the 2023 academic year offers opportunity for students to connect and rekindle relationships: with peers, teachers and the activities that are so essential to the rich life at Shelford Girls’ Grammar.  


To make the most of a new year, students are encouraged to strive for excellence. In an academic sense, this can be accomplished by taking the time to explore new ideas, challenge oneself with a little more work – that extra question or two to cement a concept or skill – and embed routines that facilitate personal organisation each day.  


Building connections with trusted mentors and surrounding oneself with positive role models and supportive influences are also important in striving for excellence. Indeed, being an active member of a nurturing community is a crucial factor in excellence. ‘Networking’, for lack of a better word, encourages the development of skills and provides access to advice, support and connections to others who can facilitate the path to success. But more than just the pragmatic, taking the time to develop rewarding relationships means you can rely on others and, in turn, be a support and source of help to others when they need to call on you.  


Much of the Q Wellbeing Program at Year 7 and 8 is devoted to the construction of rewarding relationships and the examination of these, to ‘networking’ but also to a deeper understanding of the facets of respectful relationships. We encourage students to be ‘overtly inclusive’; to take the first step in reaching out to new people; to actively listen and offer time to others generously; to have empathy as a reflection of the innate dignity of others; and to utilise feedback in its myriad forms to improve oneself and others. For example, the new homegroup/class group structure at Year 7 and 8 provides students opportunity to connect and work with a broader range of their cohort. The Buddy Program offers time for students to practise the skills of attentive listening and response essential to conversation. A focus on study skills and personal learning strengths at Year 8 encourages students to reflect on their skills and talents so they know how to capitalise on their strengths and who to call on to support those areas that need support.  


The beginning of another academic year is a valuable occasion to make and reaffirm commitments to personal growth and development, and a focus on the relationships that nurture us is a worthy first step on the journey to excellence. 

Tristan Hill

Middle Years Coordinator