Oli W Fundraiser

In this time when we are all separated from each other, it's heartwarming to be reminded of what we can achieve when 'we are all in this together.' It's a hallmark of this school and it's community that when a need arises, people respond wholeheartedly and without hesitation. 

At school last term, we sold Zooper Doopers on Tuesdays and Thursdays, raising money to help the Wunhyms, a former Orchard Grove family who are managing their son Oliver's gravely-challenging medical condition. 

With the support of this incredible community, as a school we raised $2048, which is quite remarkable. This is currently being transferred to the family who want to express their amazement and gratitude to all who thought of them and contributed.

Thank you to all those who supported the project and to the wonderful year 6 students who helped coordinate the distribution of the Zooper Doopers.


To follow is a lovely message from the Wunhym family.


Dear staff, families and friends of Orchard Grove Primary School,

All those years ago, when we were researching primary schools in our local area to send our children; Harrison & twins, Oliver and Emily, we had a very positive first impression of OGPS. The school had sense of joy, it felt safe and welcoming.

Those first impressions only grew stronger over our years at the school. We love the school.

The sense of community and strong values maintained there are special and a testament to each and every one of you.

We have nothing but positive memories and lasting friendships. Our village became bigger and better thanks to OGPS and we are humbled and grateful to feel to love and support even though our children have moved on to secondary school.

Especially now, in light of all the hardships many of our villagers are facing during COVID 19. We are so very grateful.

Thank you all for supporting us. May we all be ok.

Much love

Helen, Paul, Harrison, Emily and Oliver.