Student Wellbeing News

Spotlight: Year 5/6 Community

 Focus: Positive coping and Stress management

In this unprecedented time of learning from home and completing tasks online, as expected, there were some concerns and worries from some of our Year 5/6 students. 


Students were asked to reflect on their first two week of Learning From Home. Using the activity, Two Stars, One Wish - students were given time to reflect on some of the positive changes they have found from working from home and one of the things that they realised (or wished) they could do better at. 


The questions were as follows: 

Two Stars:

1. What have you enjoyed most about Learning Online ?

2. Thinking about your learning and how you have adapted to this new way of learning, what are you most proud of?

One Wish:

1. Reflecting on your learning, what do you wish you could do better or improve on during this time?


Padlet Discussions: 

We also opened up a Padlet Chat for students to have their say about Online Learning. Students were able to get ideas and share ways they like to cope during this different way of learning. 

Here’s what the students had to say!

Topic: Boredom Busters!

If you are starting to feel a little bit bored during this time of isolation, the Year 3/4 students have some ideas for you! Read on to see some cool activity ideas that don't involve technology!


I'm about to "draw" an obstacle course with chalk, outside on the driveway and pavement. I normally draw them a hopscotch and a racetrack of some sort,  today I will add a fitness circuit (x10 star jumps here, x5 twirls here, x10 push ups) - Maria from The Randall Family


Drawing - Christina Tang


Maybe bake a cake or cook a pizza =)

-Angeline Pham


Maybe some baking. I am doing a lot of baking. 

-Apuk Longar


Make a cubby house, play with LEGO and make cool creations and jigsaws -Eamon Dunne


Making pizza or drawing on the deck with chalk

😀😀😀 -Keagan Vong


Going for a bike ride! -Jemima Nicholls


Do a work out with a punching bag and do some push ups! -Samuel Nguyen


You can do an indoors treasure hunt -Dion Lakkis


Having races with scooters and bikes (with family),  draw a 7 second riddle for your family to figure out, drawing challenge, origami, switching clothes with your siblings, make a bed fort/cubby on a bed or under a table, making comics by yourself or with some siblings, imagination game (imagine where you are- ship, roller coaster), play with pets (if you have one) or build something with Lego (if you have some) -Austin Ma

Topic: At Home Wellbeing Challenge for Parents and Children!

During this time of the pandemic, we are faced with so many changes and challenges that we tend to forget about looking after our own wellbeing. I have put together a Wellbeing Challenge that has activities suitable for all members of the family. See how many activities you can complete!


- Call, Skype, FaceTime a friend and talk about anything BUT Covid-19

- Do a random act of kindness for a family member (e.g. cook a meal, tidy without being asked, do a chore, bake some cookies, make a card)

- Play a board game with your family

- Write a card or letter to someone and post or email it to them

- Turn off all your devices for three hours (TV, iPad, phone, gaming consoles etc)

- Participate in a self-care activity (e.g. going to bed early, painting, deep breathing)

- Watch the sunset with your family

- Watch your favourite movie with a member of your family

- Write a journal

- Make it a family ritual to say three things you're thankful for before you go to bed

- Design an exercise circuit and get your family to do it with you

- Go for a walk and name three beautiful things you see in nature

- Complete a mindfulness guided meditation as a family

- Learn a new skill such as juggling, cooking, break dancing or playing a musical instrument

- Listen to music

- Do a yoga or Pilates class as a family (there are plenty of videos on YouTube)


Haylea Anderson

Student Wellbeing Leader