Dates to Remember


February 21st Oval Grand Opening

February 26th    Meet and Greet Conversations (More information below)


March 9th  Labour Day Public Holiday

March 10th Curriculum Day (Student Free)

March 26th The Resilience Project Parent Session @5pm (More information below)

Meet and Greet Conversations 

We will be conducting Meet and Greet conversations from 2pm-6:30 pm on Wednesday, February 26th for children in all grades. Children are expected to be at school on this day from 9am.

These meetings are a great opportunity to meet your child's teacher and pass on any information about your child. These meetings are useful too if you require any extra assistance or information about things like Dojo, Compass, home reading requirements or anything else related to your child's classroom etc

Please book your 10 min conversation via Compass (don't hesitate to contact the office if you require assistance). Be sure to leave 10-20 between appointments if you have multiple children just in case another interview runs overtime.

**Bookings will be open from Monday, Feb 3rd and will close on Tuesday, Feb 25th. 

**Batesford families, please be aware that your conversations will take place at the Batesfrd Campus. If you have multiple children then you will need to allow time to travel between both campuses.

We look forward to forging positive learning partnerships with each of our families in 2020.

Tim Callaghan, Assistant Principal

The Resilience Project

Starting in Term 1, we are pleased to be introducing The Resilience Project’s wellbeing

curriculum in our classroom.

The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based,

practical strategies to build resilience.

We have upcoming presentations for our staff, students and parent/carer community that will

share stories and research on how we can build mental health in our day to day life.

The Resilience Project will be coming to our school in the last week of term to introduce the program

and how Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness can be used to support our kids learning, and

support you as parents and carers.

This program is an important part of our school’s effort to look after the mental health of our

students. Both staff and students will have similar presentations to complement regular

wellbeing classroom lessons.

Please save the date (Parent session Thursday March 26th), and we look forward to seeing you there!