From the Principal

Welcome back for 2020

Welcome back everyone!

We have a number of new students who have moved into our area over the school holidays. We welcome these new students to our Rollins community.

Our new Preps start next Monday 3rd February. We look forward to this special occasion and hope that each and every one of our new little “Preps” has a fantastic start to their educational journey. We have organised morning tea for the parents of our new Preps. This will be held  at 9.15 in the staff room.


In 2020 we  have some new and returning members of staff to introduce.  We welcome back Liana Calder(Grade 2) and Diana Jovanovski(Grade 3/4) who are both well known in the Rollins community. We also welcome for the first time Kyla Casey(Art), Julie Ryan(Art) and Sinead Baverstock(Education Support Staff).


Congratulations to Monique Dumont (formerly Monique Coventry) who celebrated her wedding during the school holiday break. We wish her and her husband(Jacques) every possible happiness as they begin their married life together.

Well it has finally been completed! Over the school holiday our new oval was completed and handed back to the school. We are extremely pleased with the final product and pass on our sincere thanks to Norris Construction for the excellent service. We will have an official opening on Friday 21st February so please keep this date free

Sunsmart- Hats

As a Sunsmart school we ensure that our students wear their blue broad brimmed hats during Terms 1 and 4. Those children without a hat will need to be supervised indoors. Please ensure your child has a broad brimmed hat that is clearly marked with their name.

Just a reminder to parents who are purchasing uniforms for the 2019 school year that Skorts, bike shorts or leggings( only worn under a school dress) are not part of our school uniform. Shorts can be purchased from Bellarine Uniforms (with school logo) or for a much cheaper price at Target, Kmart or Big W. We have positioned examples of the recommended shorts and school uniform in the school foyer. Please feel free to check these samples before purchasing items. Many thanks for your support in this matter.

Student Requisites

School Council has set Parent Payments for 2020 at the following:

$165 per child or

$110 with a valid Health Card which must be presented at the office.

 All pre-paid book packs will be delivered to the children in their classrooms.Parents are also invited to make a donation to the school for our new oval seating area and shade cloth if they wish. This donation is tax deductible and would be very much appreciated as we are focusing on our oval and building facilities in 2020.

Many Thanks.

School Council Elections

All government schools in Victoria have a school council. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to set key directions of a school within state guidelines. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students.

The term of office is usually 2 years.

In 2020 we will have 3 school council parent vacancies at Rollins. If you are interested in becoming a school council member please contact the office for a nomination form. Nominations forms are now available and will close on Friday 14th February at pm. If you would like more details please feel free to contact me.


The canteen will re open for lunch orders onMonday February 10th 2020. Ice poles will be available every day at lunchtime until the canteen reopens. Cost of an icy pole is $1 with all proceeds going towards the landscaping of the oval area.

COMPASS- absence or late arrival

Just to remind parents that Government schools are now directing schools to make contact with parents as soon as practical after the roll is marked at the beginning of each school day. Rollins will continue to use the Compass program to comply with this directive.

If your child is absent please log onto Compass and record the reason your child is absent. If you have not recorded this information by 9.10am parents will receive a text message for which an immediate response is required. This process allows us to ensure that all students have arrived safely or are under the care of their parents due to illness.

It is vitally important that all students arrival at school in plenty of time to settle, make contact with their friends and visit the bathroom(suggested time 8.45) as this is when teachers are supervising the yard). Arriving at 8.59 means your child may be unsettled and anxious about getting organised before the instruction session starts. 

Many thanks for your support in this matter.

Heads Up-Staff Professional Development Day

Just a “Heads Up” for parents. On Tuesday 10th March we are planning a staff development day where we will conduct a full curriculum audit.  As a result the school will be closed on this day. Please note we have arranged this date specifically to follow Monday 9th March(Labor Day holiday). This will allow our families the opportunity to go away for a short holiday and perhaps return on the Tuesday when there is less traffic congestion. We hope this suits our community.

Parent/Guardian permissions

A permissions and agreements form was sent out via Compass yesterday. We ask parents to work towards completing these as quickly as possible for each to enable our programs to begin immediately. If you have multiple children enrolled at Rollins, please complete an individualised form for each child.

Information is kept at class level, and as such, needs to be individually completed.  

Don't forget that we will have Meet and Greet conversations on Wednesday, Feb 26th (book via Compass- more info in the Dates to Remember page of our newsletter) to follow up on how the year has started and how families can best support their child's learning.

Please return these notes to your classroom teacher.

Another copy is provided below OR if you like you can pick up a copy from the noticeboard located to the left of the front entrance to the school.


Our first whole school assembly will be held next Friday 7th February. At this assembly we will introduce our new school captains and house captains for 2020. All parents and friends most welcome.

This year the newsletter and assembly dates will not correspond- Assembly one week, newsletter the next week. This will allow our parents and students a weekly update on what is happening in our school community.  The next newsletter will be available on Thursday 13th February.

Meet and Greet Parent/Teacher Conversations

Please head to the Dates to Remember page for more information.

Ipad Cover Reminder

We understand that families outlay a lot of money in purchasing iPad devices for each child to use at school. Please ensure these all have protective covers fitted PRIOR to sending them to school -  

The Resilience Project is coming!

Please head to the Dates To Remember page for more information.

Parent session @ school on Thursday, March 26th from 5pm. All welcome and we're hoping for a big turnout.

Principal's Pondering 

A Growth Mindset message...