Kalinda Kids Corner

The Kalinda Kids Corner is a place for Student Voice. A place to showcase student ideas and reports. 

What do our students have to say this week?

The Buddy Bench

Emily and Isla here from 3/4 B 

We would like to give you a quick reminder about the buddy bench. 

The buddy bench is a yellow seat and is located outside  the 3 /4 module and looks out to the basketball court.


We think that people are forgetting about what the buddy bench means we are going to tell you a couple of things about the buddy bench:

It's good that not many people sit on the buddy bench anymore but if you do see someone sitting on the bench we do ask that you invite them to play what you are playing or offer to help them find their friends again because here at Kalinda we are kind and respectful to everyone in the yard. 


Thank you! Emily and Isla.