Articles and Information from OshClub

Ongoing Information

Phone: OshClub on 0439 992 434   Email: kalinda@oshclub.com.au

Head Office: 1300 395 735   


Coordinator: Jane Evans

Program Assistant: Sarah Taroza

OshClub Casual Staff:Leonie Keilor, Claire Zolich, Loressa Mancuso and Maddy Plant


IMPORTANT - Please message the program phone ASAP if your child/ren are booked in for an After School Care session, but will not be attending. 

We need to account for every child booked into our care.  If a child does not arrive to After School Care in a timely manner our process is as follows:

  1. Check school attendance with the school office
  2. Call and text parents
  3. Call and text emergency contacts
  4. Escalate to a missing child incident and contact police

Your cooperation in letting us know in advance if a booking is no longer required is hugely appreciated. 


This week's news:

Our weekly drama workshops with Drama Co. are now well underway. We have three more weeks of workshops planned for After School Care on Fridays from 4:00-5:00 pm. Each workshop is a standalone workshop that includes both a drama and a craft component. 


Friday 30th Aug - A story from the Dreamtime 

Friday 6th Sept - Emotion Restaurants 

Friday 13th Sept - Pirate Island 


If this sounds like something your child would love to participate in, they can do so if booked into OSHClub on Friday afternoons. There is no extra cost involved. For more information, please see the attached flyer.  



What we have been doing and making:


In Other News

This week we farewell Jamie-Lee Quinn who has been Assistant Coordinator at Kalinda OSHClub during most of 2019. Jamie has decided to take on a position in a Long Day Care setting so that she can spend more time with her two boys. She will continue to work with us as an OSHClub Casual during Vacation Care and Before School Care.   


EARLY SCHOOL FINISH - Friday 20th Sept 

Kalinda OSHClub will be offering an extended After School Care session on Friday 20th of September. 

The session will run from 2.30pm to 6.00pm at the cost of $39.00 (before any applicable Child Care Subsidy). Many families are eligible for Child Care Subsidy, which reduces the out of pocket cost of outside school hours care. To establish what level of CCS you may be entitled to please contact the Centrelink Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50. 

Please note that the pre-existing After School Care bookings have been automatically transferred to the associated Early Finish Time. 


How to book 

Please log in to your account online at www.oshclub.com.au to access the iParent Portal. 

  1. Select the bookings tab 
  2. Select the date in which you would like to book (press the ‘+ Booking’ button) 
  3. Select the child/ren that you would like to book into the session 
  4. Underneath the Room select the After School Care - Early Finish  
  5. Acknowledge the terms and conditions 



Bookings are now open for the Spring School Holidays at Kalinda OSHClub.  

This school holidays we will be running two exciting incursions and one excursion each week. 

 During the first week we will be visiting Chesterfield Farm in Scoresby, and the following week we will be attending an OSHClub Carnival Day at Laburnum Primary School, which will involve fun games, sporting challenges and another chance to meet some farm animals.  

Our incursions include a cooking workshop with Jamie Oliver's Learn Your Fruit & Veg Program, a wildlife incursion with Wild Action, a terrarium building workshop, and a circus workshop with Fun Fit.  

Please see the attached Vacation Care flyer for details or come in and pick up a copy from the sign-in/sign-out desk.  


Bookings can be made online via your account.  




With spring and Term 4 just around the corner, we will be requiring children to wear a sun hat outdoors when the UV rating 3 or higher.  


As school hats are often stored in children's classroom tubs, please pop a spare sun hat into your child's bag for OSHClub. They are welcome to leave their hat at OSHClub or keep it with them in their bags. 



Please note:  

Online bookings for each session close 24 hours in advance. If online bookings have closed and you would like to make or cancel a booking, please SMS the program phone on 0439 992 434.  


Alternatively, bookings can be cancelled using the KidSoft app. This will automatically mark your child as absent on our system.  


Any other queries, please feel free to call, SMS or email us at kalinda@oshclub.com.au