Performing Arts 

Aladdin Jr Update

Due to the current situation with COVID-19 and the closure of the College, it will not be possible to present Aladdin Jr  on 20 to 22 August.


At this stage, the plan is to postpone the production until early in Term 4, however this will be determined by future government restrictions on schools and social distancing regulations.

The production team of Aladdin Jr sincerely hopes that we can bring this wonderful production to life in Term 4.

Instrumental Music Online 

There has been much work completed recently by our teachers to ensure that our Music students are able to continue their Music education in this current situation of remote learning. 


Instrumental Music lessons begin online (week commencing 27 April)  on Microsoft Teams.


If you have not received a permission form or you have any enquiries, please contact


Keryn Holden

Learning Leader: Performing Arts