Health and Wellbeing News 

Major incidents such as the COVID-19 pandemic can have impacts on mental health and wellbeing. It is normal for children and young people to show signs of distress. Common reactions include:

  • fear and anxiety
  • anger and frustration
  • confusion
  • sadness
  • denial

The Health and wellbeing of the CSPS community is of great importance to us at this time of COVID restrictions and lockdown.


Please see below for some sites that may be of help to you.


Conversation starters are available for parents and carers. 


If you have any questions regarding this, the school wellbeing team is available for further information or discussion. Please email the school and someone will be in contact.

Face Masks in School

On Saturday, 21st August Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton recommended that primary school-aged children across the state begin wearing masks in both indoor and outdoor settings.

The Department Guidelines states: As directed by the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the following advice applies to all school settings: 

  • School staff and secondary school students aged 12 or older must always wear a face mask indoors and outdoors at school, including when attending an Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program, unless a lawful exception applies.
  • It is recommended that children under 12 years of age and students at primary school wear face masks when at school, or when attending an OHSC program.
  • For communication purposes, teachers and education support staff are not required to wear face masks while teaching, but those who wish to do so, can. It is recommended that face masks be worn while teaching wherever practicable.

Face masks are mandatory for all school staff and school students aged 12 or older when travelling to and from school on public transport and when in taxis or ride share vehicles and recommended for primary school aged students.


Students who are attending school for onsite supervision may choose to wear face masks at this time. This is not mandated by the government at this time.