Learning in the Junior School and ELC

From the Head of Junior School & Early Learning

Our annual College ELC- Year 11 Art Exhibition is currently on display in the Square, showcasing the artistic talents of our girls and our children in the Early Learning Centre. It is a spectacular display of colour and technique, that highlights the diverse and engaging experiences provided through our Art programs. We understand the importance of developing a child’s creativity, imagination, aesthetic knowledge, and expressive potential. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions the exhibition is not open to families this year, however, I hope you enjoy the photos we have shared with you today.


We also celebrate the Arts through Drama and Music. Our Year 5 and 6 girls are currently rehearsing for our Junior School musical – Moana Jr! We are so proud of our girls who are very committed to learning their lines, the songs and dances moves. Excitement is growing for our Week 6 performances and ticket details will be released next week! 


At our recent Junior School assembly, our Year 4 girls entertained us all with a delightful play about pirates stealing underwear! Yes, it was comical and fast-paced, and the audience loved it. Our Year 4 girls stole the show with their stellar performances, ability to become and remain in character on stage and work together to present a fabulous interpretation of The Ballad of Dirty Joe and Stinky Annie!


The Arts informs, entertains, challenges viewpoints and teachers our girls how to share stories, experiences and emotions in expressive ways that enhance their kinaesthetic, critical, and creative thinking. I just love the photo below of our Year 4 girls’ performance, they brought so much joy and laughter to our day!


Ms Marika Snell

Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre

Book Week Celebrations

This years CBCA Book Week theme is “Old Worlds, new worlds, other worlds”.  As part of this year’s celebrations, we will be hosting a range of activities for students.  From visiting authors to lunchtime activities and competitions, there’ll be something fun for everyone.  


Our Book Week assembly and dress-up day in the Junior School will be going ahead on Wednesday of Week 6, however, due to current restrictions, we will be unable to welcome parents to participate in our festivities. We will keep you posted with plenty of photos and look forward to having you join us in the future.


To find out more about this year's Book Week theme, visit: https://www.cbca.org.au/cbca-book-week 


Ms Julie Staley

Information Resources Coordinator R-12

Honourable Mention for Charlie

Congratulations to Charlie Leroux-Gardiner, who has received an Honourable Mention for her performance on the violin at the Eisteddfod (Grade 3/4 AMEB Strings). Well done Charlie!


Ms Lisa Schulz

Music Teacher

Junior Sports News

Aerobics State Championships                                                                                                           

Congratulations to our Year 5/6 Aerobics teams who were awarded gold and silver medals at the State School Aerobics Championships on Sunday 27th June.  Both teams were a credit to Loreto and performed their routines with skill and finesse.

LC Flawless received a gold medal with a score of 81.5

  • Eugenie Anderson, Annalise Calabria, Teresa Caruso, Chelsea Johnson, Winnie Katsaros, Tess McEwin, Lyla Neck; Jai Tynan (Coach)

LC Euphoria received a silver medal with a score of 75.2

  • Isla Allgrove, Lottie Allgrove, Olivia Bellon, Scarlett Flapper, Ruby Kernahan, Mia Luey, Emily McNamara, Chiara Savinetti; Jasmyn Smith (Coach)

Following their outstanding performances at the State Championships, LC Flawless and LC Euphoria were invited to compete in the National Championships on the Gold Coast. Unfortunately they have been unable to take up this opportunity due to the uncertainty around travel and border restrictions.

We wish LC Lightning every success when they compete in the Blitz It Challenge this weekend.

  • Camille Borrillo, Devina Degeorge, Scarlett Flaherty, Hattie Fleer, Emily Hehir,

Ruby Tynan (Coach)

Fitness sessions

During the past 2 weeks, students in Years 3 – 6 have been participating in fitness sessions led by instructors from MissFit Movement. Students in Years 3 and 4 have been developing their cardiovascular fitness, strength and coordination through Activ8 sessions. Year 5 and 6 students have been developing their fitness and strength through HIIT style workouts (high intensity interval training), combining aerobic and strength moves and using various principles of training including tri-sets and supersets.


Term 4 Sport

The summer season of sport is fast approaching. Information outlining the Term 4 sports options for students in Years 3 to 6 have been emailed out to all parents, together with the link to the online Term 4 sport nomination form. If you wish to nominate your daughter for any sport, please complete the online nomination form no later than Friday, August 13


Link to online Term 4 sport nomination form:

Years 3 – 6 Term 4 Sports Nomination Form


SAPSASA Hockey and Soccer

Congratulations the following Year 7 students who have been selected to represent the East Adelaide District at the SAPSASA State Hockey and Soccer Carnivals during Weeks 6 and 7.


Portia Katsaros - Hockey (September 1 – 3)

Anna Zappia - Soccer (August 25 – 27)


Narelle Dew

R-6 PE & Sports Coordinator

Wattle Room Visits the Art Exhibition

The children in the Wattle Room in our Early Learning Centre had a ball visiting the the ELC - Year 11 Art Exhibition this week. They eagerly pointed out their own artwork and had wonderful conversations with Mrs Jacky Hamilton about their artwork and commenting on all of the colours, shapes and models.

Junior School Debating

Last night, Loreto JS teams took part in Round 3 of Debating at St. Peter's Girls. The topic for each of their debates was: That we should prohibit the sale and breeding of designer dogs. The girls put up an excellent and well-researched argument and were given positive feedback from the judge about their manner and method. Congratulations to all of the teams, in particular Teams 1 and 3 for their win against St Ignatius and PAC.

Ms Abby Stevens

R-6 Teacher

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