Social, Emotional & Academic Development (SEAD)

SEAD Across the College
Over the last decade, mindfulness has been slowly rising in popularity with many individuals practising it on a regular basis. Evidence based research has found that there are many benefits to mindfulness which has prompted many of us to implement this practice into our daily routines. At Loreto College, mindfulness is incorporated into our SEAD program. The latest example being used in ‘Bite Back: Mental Health Fitness Challenge’.
Mindfulness can be described as attention training for your brain, enabling you to focus on something without judgement and to stimulate curiosity. Mindfulness can be practised in a number of ways and is something that can be done by everyone - no matter what your age! It has been practised by many cultures around the world, but it is not exclusively affiliated to any particular philosophy or religion.
Mindfulness helps improve memory, engagement and performance. Its positive effect on the brain can improve immunity, mental wellbeing, learning ability, emotional health and even, time management. It is especially important in this era of information overload as our attention is constantly being pulled in many directions making us more distracted.
SchoolTV features an edition on Mindfulness, in which parents can learn the best way to introduce this practice to their children, implementing into their daily lives to have an overall positive impact on family relationships.
Here is the link to the Mindfulness edition of SchoolTV
As always, if you have any specific concerns about your child or young person, please contact your daughter’s Classroom Teacher, or Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor/Subject Teacher in the Senior School.
Monica Bignold
College Psychologist
Year 7 SEAD
This term, Year 7 SEAD lessons have been dedicated to the Bite Back Mental Fitness Challenge. The 6-week challenge covers several positive psychology domains which include Gratitude, Mindfulness, Connections, Character Strengths, and Meaning and Purpose. With the support of their Mentor Teacher’s, it has been wonderful to witness students immerse themselves in the online modules and interactive class activities.
With 1 in 4 young people experiencing mental illness each year, this evidence-based program has been proven to increase wellbeing and improve mental health outcomes in young people and ties in with our SEAD Value (Emotions – Expanding my toolkit to respond to my emotions).
Please see below images which students have taken during class as part of a mindful photography exercise, their contributions to the “Thank Tank”(an activity which encourages students to practise gratitude) and quotes from the students themselves about the experiences with the program:
“The Mental Fitness Challenge has helped me to face challenges that I am afraid to conquer. One activity that really stood out to me was Snap That, where we went out in the beautiful garden and took photos. This one is a pretty, lively, and vibrant flower which really stood out to me. The flower makes me feel relaxed and calm. The Mental fitness Challenge has also helped me to look after what has been created in life even if it is just walking past a small, tiny flower but the beauty inside it is what really counts”.
“I have enjoyed doing the Mental Fitness Challenge as it has enhanced my wellbeing and made me feel like a better and happier person. This photo here shows where I started my journey at Loreto and where I met most of my peers today. It shows me where I felt happy and where my education journey started”.
“I really enjoy the mental fitness challenge. I think that it is really good because I have never done something like it before. I love the Thank Tank because I can write things that I am thankful for and let people know that I am very grateful”.
Lydia Baccanello
Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care (Yr7/8)