House News -  Columba    

Lockdown N0 5 

Our Columba House Leaders and our Student Leaders were asked to list 3 Positives and 3 Negatives to come out of remote teaching and learning. There were some interesting answers. We will let you guess which ones are the teacher or student responses!


  1. Sleeping in
  2. Saving money on petrol
  3. More time for class preparation
  4. Diversifying curriculum
  5. Developing tech skills
  6. Able to discuss with students discretely on chat
  7. The comfort of my couch
  8. No traffic
  9. I can sleep a little more
  10. More flexibility
  11. More time for independent study/learning
  12. Working in a comfortable environment
  13. Being more focused by myself
  14. More time to watch movies
  15. Easy communication with Teachers and friends
  16. Easy to contact teachers if we need any individual help
  17. Teaching in my PJ’s
  18. Not wearing a tie
  19. Being able to order Nando's anytime of day.
  20. Having chance to teach one on one
  21. Watching Olympics
  22. Finishing periods early
  23. Longer breaks
  24. More time spent with family
  25. Lives saved due to quarantine
  26. Time to enjoy and create new hobbies
  27. Spending more time with family
  28. Not being stressed
  29. We can take our own time to do the work.
  30. The walk to work is a lot shorter than the drive to work.
  31. The spa is closer.
  32. I have home-made banana bread in the fridge.


  1. Sitting in front of a screen for too long
  2. Frustrated my  epic-pen won’t work on the whiteboard while I’m teaching on TEAMS
  3. Mundane – Groundhog Day
  4. Students don’t always stay on line
  5. Miss face to face relationship with students
  6. Difficult to cover curriculum in Practical subjects
  7. My voice is tired from speaking so loudly to the laptop
  8. Not seeing friends
  9. Too long on laptop
  10. Not being at school
  11. I miss the fun and games with students and colleagues
  12. Students struggling to find synonyms for “good” when asked how they are going
  13. Too many emails and messages
  14. Being trapped like a caged animal
  15. The bank balance due to Nando's
  16. Not seeing Ms McNally dance on funtime Fridays
  17. Talking to a computer for 6 hours
  18. Not seeing my friends at school
  19. Not being able to ask questions in person
  20. It gets boring
  21. A lot of things can’t be done through remote learning for example Science pracs
  22. Sometimes internet problems
  23. Teachers are not there to help you face to face and that's hard online
  24. Sometimes not feeling motivated
  25. Able to discuss with students discretely on chat
  26. Missing my awesome teachers
  27. Looking after my siblings
  28. Not in school environment
  29. Mental health
  30. Not seeing friends.
  31. Hard to understand a concept because it is harder to understand online than in person.
  32. Missing out on SIS sports and other activities.
  33. Why is everyone so quiet in the class when I want discussions? It feels weird.


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