Principal's Report

Kerryn Baillie (Principal)

Term 3  - Week 4

Kerryn Baillie
Kerryn Baillie

How quickly things can change.  I'm sure, like you, we were all on the edge of our seats yesterday waiting for the Premier's announcement.  Thank you for your understanding of the pressure this puts on school staff as we are not provided any information before the announcement.   Like the rest of the State, we hear the speculation in the media and try and start planning. 


I know our community is well aware of the process of another lockdown and what learning will look like.  Student wellbeing is a high priority - please make sure that, where possible, students access their Webex meetings.  It's so important for them to see and connect with their teacher and friends.



Unfortunately, over recent weeks the school facilities have sustained some vandalism. Shade sails have been cut, windows and skylights have been broken.  School Council has approved more CCTV cameras to be installed, this will hopefully deter people and help police catch the offenders. I know this is upsetting for our community and we are asking that if you see anyone behaving inappropriately on the grounds or on the roof after hours, please contact the local police.  Police are aware of the issues and are very supportive.  


2021 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey

Our school is currently conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/guardians think of our school.  This survey gives us valuable feedback.  30% of our families have received the survey which needs to be completed by Friday, September 3rd.  This date has been extended by the Department of Education. 



Please remember the car park at the front of the school is for staff only.  This is not a school pick-up and drop off point.  Please ensure you find a safe meeting place to drop off and collect students. 


Staffing Update

Ben Howlett has recently picked up a position with another Primary School.  Whilst we will miss Mr Howlett, I am also pleased to announce that our very own Mr Dylan Harris has increased his working days and accepted the classroom position in S43 for four days per week.  I welcome back Mrs Jess Denver who will be teaching S43 on Wednesdays.  This has also resulted in the appointment of Ms Shannon Patterson who will be taking our Year 5 classes that Mr Harris was previously covering.  These changes will take affect as of this Monday, 9th August 2021. 


In Summary:


S36 Mrs Kelly Utting (Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday) and Ms Shannon Patterson (Thurs)

S40 Mrs Michelle Salt (Mon-Thurs) and Ms Shannon Patterson (Fri)

S43 Mr Dylan Harris (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) and Mrs Jess Denver (Wed)


We wish Mr Howlett all the best at his new school.


Stay safe everyone and hopefully, we will see students back on site next Friday.  We will monitor the Premier's announcement. 


Kerryn Baillie


Pakenham Springs School Leadership Team