Ms. Tsakmakis

SEASONS for GROWTH Children and Young People’s Program


Seasons for growth is a program based on the belief that change and loss are part of life, and grief is a normal response to these losses. Children, young people and adults need the opportunity to learn about how death, separation or other significant loss events may impact on their lives. 


The SEASONS for GROWTH program provides an opportunity for participants to learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand and respond to these experiences.


The program: 

Supports children and young people to understand and respond to the issues they experience as a result of death, separation, divorce, or other significant change and loss in their lives 

Assists children and young people to understand that their feelings and other reactions are normal 

Develops skills for coping, problem solving and decision making 

Builds a peer support network 

Helps restore self-confidence and self-esteem 

Educates children and young people about the grief process 


The program will commence in Term 3 and if you believe your child(ren) would benefit from participating in the program please complete the Expression of Interest Form HERE


If you want to find out more  you can email, or contact the school office.