Acting Principal's Views

From Jenny Loorham

Dear Parents and Carers,


Term 2 Return to School

We hope everyone had a very happy, safe and enjoyable break! For families who took part in cultural celebrations, we hope they were enjoyable too! I am very pleased to say that we have had a very smooth return to school this term. We have returned to having an 11:00am break and a 1:30pm break for all of our students across the school, with many more clubs available to students throughout breaks each day. Some of the clubs students can go to include Computer Club, Drawing Club, Chooks Club, Table Tennis Club, Drumming Club, Games and Puzzles Club, Bey Blades Club and my personal favourite, Pokemon Club. Clubs will be announced at the beginning of each break. A number of clubs provide an alternative to playing in the yard. You might like to ask your children about the clubs they have been to or would like to go to. 


Although Term 2 will be a short term, there will still be lots of things happening. Our Year 4 students are looking forward to our upcoming camp. All of our students are continuing to focus on their learning in class, with an ongoing focus on individual learning goals in Reading, Maths and Personal and Social Learning. This term, we also introduce all of our students to the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum. We also have a Mothers’ Day Stall very soon and Book Fair coming up. 


We also welcome Steve Allen to his Acting Assistant Principal position. Steve has started in his new role very positively this week, and has been spending lots of time getting to know students in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2. 


School Tours

As announced in our last newsletter, we are very excited that we will be reintroducing School tours for prospective families, beginning this term. We will also be opening Prep 2023 enrolments next week, starting from 1st May. Prep enrolment packs can be collected from the office after this date.


Updated COVID Guidelines

As many of you will be aware, COVID Guidelines have been updated for this term. Students in Years 3 to 6 are no longer required to wear a face mask. Anyone wanting to wear a face mask is welcome to do so. 


Close contacts are now able to come to school if they are well enough to do so and not experiencing any symptoms. Families are still required to let the school know if students are close contacts. If your child is a close contact and is coming to school, they are required to wear a face mask when indoors and need to undertake five Rapid Antigen Tests during the seven days that they are a close contact. 


If your child does have COVID, you will need to notify the Department of Health as well as the school. Thank you to families adding the absence on Compass, please also call the school to let us know so we can then follow the processes we need to. Students required to stay at home will also have access to learning via their Compass newsfeed.


We hope you all have a great weekend and a fantastic Term 2!


Kind regards,


Jenny Loorham