Classroom News

Junior School

The Junior School wishes everybody a warm ‘Welcome Back’ from the Easter Holidays. We have hit the ground running with our preparations for many of the exciting events this term, including the upcoming Mothers’ Day Morning Tea. Read all about our first week of Term 2…


We have started our term with a return to our SEL sessions. We are up to the THINK component of STOP, THINK and DO. The students are learning to pause and consider different solutions to problems before acting. We use the traffic light sign to remind us to ‘stop’ and ‘think’ before we ‘go’.


In English this term, the students will be learning all about Narratives. We are focussing on the fairy tale Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs. The students started by creating paper finger puppets of the different characters. We have been using adjectives to describe Snow White, The Queen, The Huntsman and The Prince.


We are learning about characters
We are learning about adjectives
We will be writing narratives
We are learning about characters
We are learning about adjectives
We will be writing narratives


We have begun Mathematics this term by returning to Place Value. The students are becoming more proficient at partitioning (i.e. ‘splitting’) numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. We are discovering how effective it is to split numbers in this way before adding them up. It can make it much easier to do maths mentally!


In Inquiry and Religious Education, our theme for this term is ‘change’. We are going to explore two big questions: ‘Why is CHANGE important in our lives?’ and ‘How does Jesus CHANGE our hearts?’ We will be learning about the teachings of Jesus and how the Gospel Values inform our decision-making. 


With so much to see and do, it’s an exciting beginning for Term 2… stay tuned for more news from the Junior School!


Serena Jordan-Munro

Year 1/2 Classroom Teacher